America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

3 Things You Need to Know To Run A Successful Local Deal

December 28, 2015

If you own a small business, there’s a good chance you still have some questions about deals. Don’t worry — you’re not alone. While deals (or daily deals, as they are sometimes known) have been around for a while now, there are plenty of business owners who still have big questions about whether or not running a deal is right for their business.

That is natural when you hear stories of small business owners losing money from deals due to unexpected spikes in demand that can’t be met. Meanwhile, consumers are frustrated as they’re stuck waiting in long lines or have a drawer full of un-redeemed offers.

It’s these types of stories that taint the image of the daily deal, and rightfully so. But when done well, daily deals can be great for merchants and consumers. The key is running a deal that’s right for your business, and using a service provider that allows the small business owner to be in control. (more…)

Three Ways to Convert Your Fans and Followers into Customers

December 16, 2015

How is it that you can amass loads of fans and followers on social media yet still not have that translate into more customers for your business? This situation is actually quite common, and easy to grasp why, when you think about how easy it is to get someone to “Like” you online. Yet converting those likes into customers, and transforming those customers into steady patrons (and, ideally, your word-of-mouth marketers) aren’t the easiest feats to accomplish.

To help you do this, here are three ways you can inspire your online fans to get out from behind their computer screens and into your business.

Present exclusive specials only through social media. You can build up your following by running special promotions exclusively on one social media site. For example, you could offer interesting downloadable content or a special discount to your Facebook fans, or give away tickets to a sold-out event to followers who correctly and directly message you the answers to trivia questions that are only posted on Twitter.

Host a private event for your VIP fans. Identify those fans that have gone out of their way to spread the word about your business and invite them to an exclusive event that you are hosting, or perhaps offer them access to a private party during a high-profile event.  (more…)

Giving It Your Best Shot: Five Photo Tips For Your Small Business

December 9, 2015
By Nancy Jeng

Creating a business listing on Google is one of the best ways to make sure your small business gets found online. For most business owners, this means covering the basics—updating store hours, adding a website and verifying the location. But one frequently overlooked feature is the ability to add photos to your business listing on Google.

Studies show that Google business listings with photos get 42 percent more requests for directions and 35 percent more clicks than those without (Google/Oxera). It’s true that a photo is worth a thousand words and in the case of small businesses, it could also be worth more customers. Check out our five tips for making the most of your business photos:

Get inspired. We visited three different small businesses to see how they’re using photos to put their best foot forward for the holidays. Find out what a toy store, a salon and a Chinese restaurant have in common when it comes to showcasing their businesses. (more…)