America’s SBDC Blog

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Email Clues That Customers Just Aren’t That Into You… And How To Win Them Back

March 14, 2016
By Anissa Starnes
Director, National Organizations, Constant Contact

notebook-computerDon’t wait for foot traffic to slow down or your new business pipeline to dry up before figuring out that your customers just aren’t that into your business anymore. Before they reach that point, customers often leave clues that their feelings are starting to change.

At first, the signs are subtle. Customers are less responsive to your marketing efforts, they come in less frequently, and they stop referring new business. When you ask them if everything is okay, they tell you everything is fine. Still, you know something is off but you can’t put your finger on it. While you can’t read their minds, you can read the signs they leave behind, most often in the way they respond to your email marketing campaigns.

Three Subtle Signs Customers Are Pulling Away

By digging into your email marketing results, you can see the subtle cues that customers are starting to pull away. The three areas you want to pay closest attention to are:  (more…)

5 Sure-Fire Ways to Lose Email Subscribers

February 16, 2016
GoDaddy-5-Sure-Fire-Ways-To-Lose-Email-SubscribersBy Stacey Hartman

Establishing an online presence for your small business seems like a no-brainer nowadays. So you set up your site, linked up your company social media profiles, and created an email marketing campaign. Customers are loving your weekly emails and your subscriptions (and sales) are growing. You’re good to go now, right? This is exactly what you were aiming for, after all.

Well, sort of. It’s a good start, but there are steps needed to ensure that you don’t lose the subscriber base that you worked so hard to build. Let’s take a look at a few of the major ways that you could be losing email subscribers.

1. Purchasing email lists

Your subscriber numbers are slowly growing, but they could always grow faster. And let’s face it, those email lists look pretty tempting after all the hard work you’ve done. Resist the temptation. The list is typically sold to many people, rather than just you, so those email addresses are likely already being spammed with unsolicited email. That, and some email list providers gather their email lists in sketchy ways. And, since you’re probably not the only person who bought the email list, the recipients are much more likely to mark you as spam.  (more…)

For the Love of Small Business

February 4, 2016
By Nancy Jeng

Google-For-The-Love-Of-Small-BusinessValentine’s Day is coming up, and for many businesses this means getting ready for the fourth-largest spending holiday of the year (National Retail Foundation). To help our fellow small business owners, we’ve prepared five tips for how you can get ahead during the season of love:

1. Capitalize on trending keywords. Google Trends shows the top terms relating to Valentine’s Day are ‘gifts for him,’ ‘valentine’s gifts,’ and ‘Valentine’s Day ideas.’ Build these and other relevant keywords into your site, content and social channels.

2. Make sure your customers can find you. Update your Google listing with your hours, location and relevant Valentine’s-themed photos. If you haven’t already, visit Google My Business to claim your business listing. (more…)

New Year, New Beginnings and New Businesses

January 11, 2016
By Nancy Jeng

Google-New-Years-2016-blogEach new year brings the dream of new beginnings and, for many, that includes the dream of starting a new business. In fact, Google Trends data shows us that interest in “starting a business” peaks every January. To support the millions of businesses that are created each year, we’re sharing some of the ways you can use the web (and Google) to launch your new business:

Use Google Trends to size up your market opportunity. Before you launch a business, you want to make sure there is a viable market for your product or service. You can use Google Trends to help gauge your market potential. For example, if you’re looking to open a pet store, see when searches for ‘pet supplies’ peak or which geographic regions clocks in the most searches for pet supplies.

Find a domain, create a site and get custom email. Picking out the right domain name is often the starting point to building a successful online presence. With new domain endings like .pizza and .photography, there are now more options to choose that fit your new business. Google Domains helps you get started with registering a domain, building a site with trusted partners and setting up custom email.  (more…)