America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Getting Started with Live Streaming and the .live Domain

June 1, 2016
By Nick Fuller

This is your cue

Live StreamingEngaging with potential and current customers creates a lasting impression. By being open and transparent with your business’s patrons, you will earn their trust. They want to have interactions that help them understand who is behind the business. And one of the more effective and emerging ways to do that is live streaming.

In a recent Brandlive survey, 39 percent of respondents said live streaming will be “important” in their marketing mix. Another 20 percent said it will be “very important.” No matter how small your business, it might be worth your while to explore the possibilities a video marketing trend that’s gaining serious momentum. (more…)

Email Etiquette: Ask Permission First or Forgiveness Later?

May 10, 2016
By Steve Robinson
Director of National Organizations, Constant Contact

email-marketing-picRemember when you were a kid and your parents told you not to put your hand on the hot stove? Or when you mistakenly went along with the crowd and your parents said, “If all the other kids were jumping off a bridge, would you do it, too?” What if I told you that email marketing is a lot like the hot stove? And just because lots of small business owners send email to customers without their permission, it doesn’t mean you should, too.

Sure, it’s exciting to see your email list grow. It feels like your efforts are paying off and that you’re actually making some headway. But if you add customers without their permission, you might be undoing all of that hard work. Why? There are lots of reasons why it can be bad for your business, and we’ll dig into those, but let’s first consider things from the customer’s point of view.

Picture this: It’s the first thing in the morning. Your customer grabs their phone or flips open their laptop and a hundred or so emails start to download. The steady flow of messages to their inbox goes on all day and your customer’s well-trained brain can’t help but gravitate to a certain email based on interest and priority. If they’re not expecting your email, they’re likely to ignore it. Or worse, they’ll delete it, block you, or report it as spam.  (more…)

5 fresh ways to promote your blog

April 19, 2016
By Stacey Hartman

GoDaddy-creative-ways-to-promote-blogWhen you’re running a blog, you get that content is king. And with that amazing content, you’ll understandably want to get your hard work out there. How to go about that without breaking the bank, though, can be scary. That, and trying to stand out in the current marketing environment can be extremely overwhelming, especially when everyone seems to be doing the same things to market their blogs.

Stand out from the crowd with these five alternative (and sometimes overlooked) angles on promoting your blog.

1. Join a blog community

Blogging communities (sometimes known as blogging directories) are a place for bloggers to connect over common themes, share content, and build relationships. You’re also able to share your content on a platform that can aggregate common content themes. (more…)

This National Small Business Week, We’re #AllForSmallBiz

April 6, 2016
By Nancy Jeng

National Small Business Week is a time when we recognize the enormous contributions of small businesses and celebrate their successes. This year, Google and partnering organizations are taking it one step further and encouraging everyone—citizens, communities and business owners themselves—to come together and give small businesses the help they need to succeed.

Small businesses account for 99.7% of employer firms in the US (SBA 2014), which means when small businesses succeed, everyone benefits. Stronger businesses build stronger communities and we can all help to make sure those businesses are set up for success. But many small businesses are lagging behind when it comes to their online presence. 4 in 5 consumers use search engines to find local information nearby like store address, business hours, product availability and directions (Google/Ipsos 2014), yet only 37% of businesses have claimed a local business listing on a search engine (Marketing Sherpa 2012).

This Small Business Week, let’s make sure all the businesses in our local communities are primed for online success. Here are three ways in which you can help a fellow small business owner:  (more…)

Hungry? Here’s How Building a Website is Like Making a Sandwich

March 28, 2016 3 Comments
By Mukul Sheopory

website-sandwich-1You’ve been thinking about building a website, but with all the other responsibilities you carry as a small business owner, the thought of taking on another project might be overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be.

I’m going to show you how building a website can be as simple as making a sandwich. You can do it yourself or hire someone to do it for you, and your approach will depend on:

— Your comfort level with the technology
— How customized you need your website to be
— Your budget

Get out the mayo and let’s go!  (more…)