America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

How to Turn Your Social Media Presence Into Profit

May 20, 2014

You likely already know that to be a successful small business marketer, you need to be where your customers are online—social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn; online review and ratings sites like Yelp; and in the inbox with email marketing.

Yet even if you have an active Facebook page, a growing Twitter following, a healthy amount of email subscribers, and good reviews on Yelp, it may not necessarily translate into customers (and profit) for your business. If all of those “Likes,” re-tweets and comments aren’t generating new business, here are three questions to ask yourself:

Are your messages focused?

You may offer a lot of products and services but if you focus on your differentiators, you’ll be able to demonstrate your expertise and dominate a market segment.

For example, a retailer specializing in high-end kitchen gadgets can show customers how to use the latest tools, offer cooking classes, and write about topics such as “what to look for when buying carving knives.” These actions will draw in customers looking for specific kitchen tools and while they’re shopping, they’ll discover other products offered by the retailer.  (more…)

Write an Epic Site: Tell Your Story to Make Sales

May 15, 2014

Writing website content is something everyone can do, but a story is something your visitors and customers can connect with—and nobody can tell it better than you. Your customers are on your website for a reason, they want to know more about you.

Take your visitors on a journey by sharing values that were shaped through personal experiences—a struggle, breakthrough, or success story. Dig deep and show them the passion, dedication, and experience that make your business stand out from the rest.

Be a Storyteller
Everyone has a story, and every story has a beginning, middle and end – a journey from where you started and what you’ve been through, to where you are now. Think about how your business got started or why you do what you do. By adding a personal touch to your website and by giving it a friendly vibe, your customers will feel welcome.  (more…)

What Small Businesses Need to Know about Twitter’s New Profile Design

May 13, 2014

Twitter recently announced a major redesign for profile pages. This includes a new look and feel, and a number of new features for users to sort and find content. While the new profile is only available to a select audience of Twitter users right now, the redesign will be rolling out to all users soon, so it is time for small businesses to take a few moments to understand the changes, and make sure that they are making the most with their profile pages moving forward.

Here is a list of the changes:

· New Header Image: One of the most noticeable changes is the introduction of a header image. It spreads across the top of your profile page similar to the cover photo on Facebook or Google+.

· Bigger Profile Picture: Twitter is also increasing the size of the Twitter profile picture. Twitter will resize your current photo automatically, but users may want to consider uploading a higher quality photo after the change.

· More visible profile information: Twitter names, handles, descriptions, and links are all bigger and more prominent with the profile change. It would be a good idea to review this information to make sure they’re updated and accurate. Unlike other social networks, Twitter users are likely to view other users profile often to learn more about them. Having an informative and accurate bio is essential. (more…)

Improve Your Website With Clear Text and Compelling Images

May 8, 2014

It’s spring cleaning time and not just for your home. This month, let’s freshen up your website, focusing on web page content. Adding great text and pictures to your site can help humans and search engines better appreciate and understand what your business has to offer.

With 97% of consumers researching products online before making a purchase*, it’s important to spruce up your website from time to time. So swing open those windows, do a little dusting, and use these lessons to get your website ready for spring.

Lesson Highlight: Tell customers about your business with great website text

Potential customers will often start by visiting your business’ website to learn about your products and services. If this is their first contact with your business, it’s important to make a positive first impression. The words on your website must clearly communicate what your business is about, and why a customer should choose you.

You don’t need to write a lot, but your website should clearly answer these questions:

Who owns and works for the business?

What products do you sell or services do you provide? (more…)

Website Best Practices, Friday 15: Small Business Tips

April 16, 2014

Let’s get back to the basics. I’m dedicating today’s post to helping you make the most of your website. In these two Friday 15 lesson spotlights, we’ll teach you about 1. choosing that perfect domain name for your website, and 2. tips to develop a game plan to make sure your website helps you achieve your business goals.

Sit down, grab a cup of joe, and enjoy these Friday 15: Small Business Tips to help your business succeed online.

Lesson Highlight: Choose the right domain name for your business

A domain name is your online address. It’s important to think carefully before selecting a domain name for your business website because this is how people will find you on the web.

Domain names usually start with a “www” and end with an extension like “.com” or “.net.” This lesson covers tips for choosing the words that fall in the middle, like Some highlights: (more…)