America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Understanding the Power of Creating Sharable Content

March 25, 2014

When I found out that one of my favorite bakeries was about to open a new location in my neighborhood, my first reaction was to jump on Facebook to share the news. Guess what? My post got 11 likes, and 7 comments.

Think about the power of this dynamic. Before social media, I’d have to wait until I gathered with a group of friends to share the news (if I remembered at the time). Today, thanks to my mobile device, I can easily share the news with my Facebook friends in real time.

Many of my Facebook friends either live or work in the same area, and have similar tastes—which makes them great prospects for that new bakery. Based on the level of engagement with the original post I shared, that information will spread beyond my immediate connections. Pretty cool, right?

This type of social sharing goes beyond our offline experiences. Consider how much information is now available to us online, and how easy it is to share the content that resonates with us most with a simple click. People are sharing content they find valuable. Content they believe their connections may have an interest in. And for all these reasons content is something you can’t ignore when it comes to your business getting found online. (more…)

Learn to use hashtags like a pro: Friday 15 – Small Business Tips

March 24, 2014

Friday 15: Small Business Tips, is a series designed to help small businesses like yours make the most of their online presence. If you missed our February post about email marketing, check it out here.

Today, I’m talking hashtags. You see them everywhere: on websites, social media sites, and even on television, radio and in print. I decided to dedicate this post to the wonderful pound symbol, so you can start using it as part of your business’s social media strategy. #Enjoy.

Lesson Highlight: Hashtag basics: Connect to customers on social media

A hashtag is word or phrase prefixed with a pound, or hash, symbol (#), typically used in a social media post. For example, #Friday15 is a hashtag. Hashtags organize messages by topic. People can search for a hashtag to see all associated messages. You can use hashtags to target messages to specific groups of people interested in particular topics.

For example, let’s say you own a coffee shop. When posting a photo of your lovely caramel latte on a social media site, you include the hashtag #coffee. Now, people tracking #coffee will see your post. This provides exposure for your business and helps position you as an authority on the topic. (more…)

Success Story: New Mexico

March 19, 2014

State:  New Mexico
Center:  NMSBDC – Clovis
Client Name:  M-CORE Construction, LLC dba Eastern New Mexico Glass – Chris and A.J. Moreno

The Small Business Development Center at Clovis Community College has chosen M-CORE Construction, LLC dba, Eastern New Mexico Glass as their 2012 Success Client.

In 2004, A.J. Moreno approached his parents, Chris and Ida Jo Moreno, requesting their help in starting a construction business. At the time the trio had little knowledge of how far they would actually end up taking the company.

Today the Moreno family has worked as a successful team in building the business. Initially in 2004, the Moreno’s required support with a computerized accounting program and requested assistance from the Small Business Development Center in Clovis, N.M. The family then strategically purchased an existing glass business in 2005. In 2006, the Moreno’s decided to expand their business by becoming a government contractor. They once again sought assistance from the Center and thus began their journey to become a Small Business Administration 8(a) Contractor. (more…)

5 Secrets to Instagram Success

March 18, 2014

Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social network that allows you to create professional-looking photos with a click of a button, using a number of different digital filters. The best part is that it is super easy to use – both to create visually-appealing images, and to share your new photos to social networks.

There are a countless ways that you can use Instagram for your business, but if you are just getting started, here are 5 quick “secrets” to success:

Get familiar before diving in: It’s easy to over think your new venture. Just because you eventually want to build your new channel, doesn’t mean that this has to be your first goal. Play around with the platform, take some photos and share them on your personal social networks. This will help you get used to the new technology and will allow you to see how others react to specific pieces of content. Once you understand how it works, create photos for your business and share them on your business social networks.

Connect Instagram with your Facebook Business Page: Whether you’ve already connected your Instagram account to your personal or business Facebook Page or not, don’t worry. It’s easy to connect Instagram to your Facebook Page.This will make it easier for you to share your Instagram photos on Facebook, and easier for people on Facebook to connect with you on Instagram as well. (more…)

Success Story: Indiana

March 12, 2014

State: Indiana
Center: Southeast ISBDC
Client: Fred Daniels, VP Operations of Uni-Ref/United Refractories

Trevor Lane with the Indiana Economic Development Corporation contacted SEISBDC business advisor, Kelly Will in 2012 with regard to a company seeking to move their operations from Ohio to Indiana.  As there were incentives associated with the project, Will was asked to perform a financial analysis on the company and worked with Vice President of Operations, Fred Daniels.

Uni-Ref, a subsidiary of United Refractories Co., designs innovative, durable refractories with a focus on customer-specific needs and application.  United Refractories was founded in 1973 by Raymond Niesen who later started a manufacturing facility (Uni-Ref) in Cincinnati in 1882.   By 2011, they had outgrown their current facilities in Sharonville, Ohio and had a need for more space. Current expansion of the Sharonville plant was explored as well as moving to another larger facility.

After looking at many sites and reviewing their expansion options, an existing facility in Brookville/Franklin County, Indiana became the best option for the company’s needs. The down side of this was the cost of reconfiguring their production lines to fit the building and the cost of moving their operation.  However this larger facility in Brookville allowed Uni-Ref to expand its current production capabilities and has also allowed Uni-Ref to consolidate other manufacturing and warehousing operations into one location. (more…)