America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Send A Strong Message, Without Any Stress: Email Campaigns Made Easy

June 1, 2015
By Maxym Martineau

GoDaddyI love a good deal. I’m not an extreme coupon clipper by any means, but when I open up my email I’m quick to save any message that promises a discount (and to trash the ones that don’t).

So the question is, what prompts me to open one email over another? The even bigger question is: Are you one of the business owners whose emails end up in the trash bucket instead of the discount folder? Are you even trying to connect with me at all?

If you’re a small business owner, adding another job to your already overflowing plate can seem like a nightmare. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to make your email campaigns work for you, not against you. And because emails are the most cost effective form of marketing, it’s time to start expanding your business.  (more…)

Content Marketing: How Can You Run With The Big Brands?

May 27, 2015

street_sign_content-marketingWe know it when we see it: that cool new video, the thoughtful how-to article from a favorite business, or the eye-catching image that starts buzz around a brand. These are examples of content marketing in action, and if your small business isn’t exploring it, you should ask yourself: Why not?

Content marketing is effective because it offers value to the viewer beyond a simple ad. Whether it’s a blog, social media post, or “viral” video, content marketing can be entertaining, inspiring, or share a bit of expertise that can help your customer. It’s something they’ll want to bookmark, re-post, or share with friends. And most importantly, it builds a positive perception around your business. In fact, the blog post you’re reading right now is an example of content marketing at work!  (more…)

Email Marketing: The Red Carpet To Your Website

May 18, 2015

By Leslie Phillips

Email Marketing
Photo Credit: alles banane via Compfight cc

Email marketing is one of the strongest ways you can engage customers and drive traffic to your website. Think of your email as a fan club perk for your customers, almost like their V.I.P. ticket to your website. When used properly, email campaigns keep your brand in the minds (and inboxes) of your most valued client base.

Let’s roll out the red carpet and discover ways to use email marketing to drive more visitors to your website.

Introduce new products

Make being an insider worth it. Send your customers an update when you add new products or services to your business catalog. In fact, take it up a notch. Give your subscribers an exclusive chance to buy products on your site before you open them up to the general public. Just add a link to your email campaign that points to a page on your site that includes more information. It’s like inviting fans to a pre-release party.  (more…)

It’s Time To Put Your Business On The Map

April 6, 2015
By Whitney Lemon

Google-On_The_Map-logoOver the past four years, thanks to the support of partners like America’s SBDC, the Get Your Business Online program has helped 325,000 businesses get a website.

This year, with a new program, “Let’s Put Our Cities on the Map,” we’re helping local businesses in every city update their information where customers are searching for them most – on Google Search and Maps.

Being on the map matters. Research shows that businesses with complete online business listings are 2x as likely to be considered ‘reputable. ’ 1 Yet, only 37 percent of businesses have claimed their listing on a search engine.2 Let’s Put Our Cities on the Map helps businesses reach local customers by updating their info on Google Search and Maps at no charge.  (more…)

Getting Started With SEO: 3 Easy Ways to Increase Your Rankings Online

March 23, 2015
By Maxym Martineau

SEO for StartersEveryone wants to show up on the first page of the search engines. Top of mind is important – and while it’s not reasonable to promise that your business will skyrocket to the first spot on the list, there are a few important steps you can take to improve your search engine ranking.

Find the right words

Search engines like websites that are dynamic, which means your content needs to be rich in keywords so your pages are more appealing. On-page SEO (search engine optimization) is vital to increasing your ranking. First, do your research and find keywords that are relative to your business – use phrases or words that people commonly search for when shopping in your industry. Then, build your content around those words so they fit naturally and seamlessly into the text of your website.

A good way to start is to spend a few minutes writing down words that relate to your business. Imagine any phrase or word a potential visitor might use when browsing a search engine. Once you’ve done that, stop by Google’s free Keyword Planner. This is an awesome tool that tracks whether or not people are actually searching for the words and phrases you’ve created. The tool itself is initially part of Google AdWords, but feel free to use it to boost your on-page SEO.  (more…)