America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

A Father’s Invention and the Idaho SBDC Grow Healthier Crops

March 20, 2017

Blake Isaacs moved back to Idaho to help his father, Garry, grow his business based on an invention he patented nearly a decade ago. The humigator is a tool used for industrial air cleaning, but Garry’s breakthrough came when he realized its value in agriculture – particularly potato storage.

Isaacs Humigation

The humigator allows air to stay clean and potatoes moist, resulting in less plant disease, and since potatoes are sold by weight, supporting a higher sale price. Since its beginning in 2013, Isaacs Humigation Technology (IHT) has more than doubled its sales each year, with humigators now sold in seven states and Canada. (more…)

Turning Shipping Containers Into Restaurants

March 13, 2017
Shipping Container RestaurantSuccess Story: Long Beach, California

SteelCraft was born from developers Kimberly Gros and Martin Howard’s idea to re-purpose shipping containers from the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles as counter-service restaurant locations for local artisan food vendors. After more than two years in planning and development, SteelCraft has attracted eight businesses, which have generated more than 60 jobs in the Bixby Knolls area of Long Beach.

When Long Beach resident Kim Gros first visited the SBDC in 2014, she envisioned re-purposing a shipping container as a counter-service ice cream shop downtown. However, after reviewing projections with the SBDC, which included multiple vendors in one space as opposed to a single vendor, she quickly began to dream bigger.

Impact“The SBDC was a huge part of this success. They kept us dreaming,” said Gros. She re-imagined her vision to include several re-purposed containers that would convene the community through craft food and drinks. The SBDC then helped Kim with her financial projections, her lease agreements for her eight vendors, and assisted her in obtaining a loan for the project.

In addition, the SBDC consultants introduced her to several public officials who offered support and guidance along the way. “Kim had a winning attitude from the start. With a little guidance, she hit the ground running and didn’t stop. SteelCraft is a unique addition to the Bixby Knolls community and is sure to stimulate economic impact now and in years to come,” said Mike Daniel, Regional Director of the Orange County Inland Empire SBDC Network, who consulted Gros.  (more…)

Missouri Business Expands International Sales with Help from the Missouri SBTDC ITC

March 9, 2017
Dr. SolomonSuccess Story: Missouri

BeWell Health, maker of Dr. Hana’s Nasopure Nasal Wash, wanted to expand export sales and add to its international distributor network. So Missouri SBTDC international trade specialists Sandra Marin, Jackie Rasmussen and others helped develop a comprehensive export plan, provided guidelines for distributor agreements, offered advice on export documentation requirements, and made referrals to experts in intellectual property protection and payment.

In December, 2016, the SBTDC’s International Trade Center (ITC) director Larry Dill and international trade specialists Aldis Jakubovskis, Rasmussen, Luis Ortiz and Pablo Arroyo and three Missouri University international business student interns completed additional market research for Nasopure.

The interns and staff reviewed global trade data and economic and industry indicators to identify five promising markets in Asia, North America, Africa and Europe. This dedicated team then researched each country’s business environment, industry trends and regulatory requirements. They also provided the firm with lists of potential customers and distributors in each country.

As a direct result, from 2015-16 the firm experienced:

• Overall sales increase of 40 percent
• Export sales increase of 55 percent
• Increase in employment of 30 percent  (more…)

All in a Day’s Work for BioArray – Genetically Powered Cancer Treatment Selection

March 6, 2017
Success Story: Connecticut

– Save 65,000 breast cancer patients six months of wasted time and toxic exposure each year
– Direct each person to the right chemotherapy and save the U.S. health care system $1.4 billion in the process
– All in a day’s work for BioArray

BioArrayNo company has cracked the code for choosing the best chemotherapy for an individual patient, despite the broad range of molecular breast cancer tests available today. Trial-and-error is still the mainstream available path. Currently, the majority of patients start their treatment journey with the ‘standard-of-care’, taxane-based regimen. Due to the low response rates to this regimen (25%), when patients are offered the next level of treatment they have already been exposed to side effects for about six months, which is painful for patients (e.g., immune system debilitation, nausea, hair loss and exposure to unnecessary toxicity). Imagine if we knew who was a good candidate for the ‘standard-of-care’ and who should go straight to ‘Plan B’ while their immune systems are still strong.

Enter BioArray Genetics, the Connecticut SBDC’s (CTSBDC’s) own cancer revolutionary. Chemotherapy is not a “one-size-fits-all” process, and precision medicine was Marcia Fournier’s inspiration for founding her biotech company, BioArray Genetics. Marcia’s extensive experience in oncology, as well as her practical and strategic experience in drug discovery, biomarker development, and clinical diagnostics, led to the development of BioArray’s first predictive test (BA100). It saves breast cancer patients potentially life-saving months, by pinpointing the best chemotherapy treatment for each patient based on genetic markers right out of the starting gate, while the patient’s body and immune system are still strong.  (more…)

Thousands to Celebrate #SBDCDay

March 1, 2017

When you spend most of your time working for the greater good, taking a moment to celebrate the good work you do is often an afterthought. That’s been the case for America’s Small Business Development Centers. But on March 22, 2017 that will all change. The first America’s #SBDCDay is set for that date to unite the nearly 1,000 SBDCs across the country with the hundreds of thousands of small businesses they’ve served in their 37-year history. The day will be a national celebration of the role SBDCs have played in small business success and of the positive impact SBDCs have had on the nation’s economy.

#SBDCDay“We are thrilled to see SBDCs around the country working together to celebrate their clients and showcase the work they do for America’s small businesses. SBDC clients see an average job growth of 15.5% versus the national job growth average of just 1.9%. There is no denying the impact SBDCs have on the success of the small businesses in their communities and their local economies. Congratulations to all SBDCs, said Charles “Tee” Rowe, America’s SBDC President & CEO.  (more…)