When you spend most of your time working for the greater good, taking a moment to celebrate the good work you do is often an afterthought. That’s been the case for America’s Small Business Development Centers. But on March 22, 2017 that will all change. The first America’s #SBDCDay is set for that date to unite the nearly 1,000 SBDCs across the country with the hundreds of thousands of small businesses they’ve served in their 37-year history. The day will be a national celebration of the role SBDCs have played in small business success and of the positive impact SBDCs have had on the nation’s economy.
“We are thrilled to see SBDCs around the country working together to celebrate their clients and showcase the work they do for America’s small businesses. SBDC clients see an average job growth of 15.5% versus the national job growth average of just 1.9%. There is no denying the impact SBDCs have on the success of the small businesses in their communities and their local economies. Congratulations to all SBDCs, said Charles “Tee” Rowe, America’s SBDC President & CEO.
Since 1980, 63 state and regional Small Business Development Center networks have provided training and free one-on-one consulting to entrepreneurs and small businesses at nearly 1,000 locations throughout the nation. SBDC clients start a new business every 30 minutes, create a new job every 5 minutes, generate $100,000 in new sales every 7.5 minutes, and raise $100,000 in capital every 11.4 minutes. Job growth for SBDC clients is nearly 10 times greater than job growth for the average business, and SBDC client sales growth is nearly 4 times greater than sales growth for businesses that don’t work with an SBDC.
It’s no wonder there hasn’t been a celebration – there hasn’t been time! SBDCs have been too busy supplying small businesses with the education, tools, and resources they need to continue being successful in supporting and growing America’s economy.
#SBDCDay will bring a variety of unique live and virtual celebrations around the country to raise the visibility of America’s SBDC and its clients. There will also be real-time social media feeds and updates on SBDC events, success stories and notable impacts throughout the day.
“We expect #SBDCDay to generate major buzz about what SBDCs have been doing behind the scenes for all these years so that every business owner knows about the SBDC in their community and can take advantage of all the great programs and services they have to offer,” said Jacqueline Taylor, America’s SBDC Marketing & Communications Committee Chair and Associate State Director of Texas Gulf Coast SBDC Network.