Blake Isaacs moved back to Idaho to help his father, Garry, grow his business based on an invention he patented nearly a decade ago. The humigator is a tool used for industrial air cleaning, but Garry’s breakthrough came when he realized its value in agriculture – particularly potato storage.
The humigator allows air to stay clean and potatoes moist, resulting in less plant disease, and since potatoes are sold by weight, supporting a higher sale price. Since its beginning in 2013, Isaacs Humigation Technology (IHT) has more than doubled its sales each year, with humigators now sold in seven states and Canada.
In July of 2016, Blake bought the business from his father, and with the help of the SBDC, recently secured angel investment to speed expansion and research. “Without the SBDC, we would not have had the funding opportunities, grant application support, and excellent referrals that have helped us grow this year. [The SBDC’s] resources are sophisticated enough for our tech business and accessible to anyone,” says Blake Issacs.
The SBDC continues to help IHT with feedback on marketing materials, expansion strategy, and funding options.
To learn more about Isaacs Humigation Technology, visit To learn more about the Idaho SBDC, visit