America’s SBDC Blog

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Proudly Building Quality Aircraft Models In The USA – #SBDC Client Showcase

February 3, 2019
Atlantic Models, Inc. (
Countdown to the 2019 Client Showcase: #10

Atlantic Models

SBDC: SBDC at FIU – Florida (
SBDC Advisor: Roberto Castellon.

Atlantic Models, Inc. has grown to offer a range of products and services for the aviation and aerospace industries. Desktop display models, large indoor/outdoor displays, office decor, wall art, and even high-end custom aviation furniture are some of what we do. Concept to design, mock-up to manufacturing, through to installation and completion, Atlantic Models Inc. is your aviation destination!

“Roberto Castellon with the SBDC at FIU has been an amazing resource for guidance and direction. He knows when to call in experts like Nile for marketing, Ray in finance, and Shelly at the Beacon Council, who all have been excellent sources of knowledge and support, and all part of our local SBDC. To have all these available resources for our small business is priceless; to have it all available with one call is a gift we couldn’t be more grateful for!” Roger Jarman, Vice President Business Development, Atlantic Models, Inc.  (more…)

Makers of the World’s Most Comfortable Shirt – #SBDC Client Showcase

February 2, 2019
Butter Cloth ShirtButter Cloth ( | @Buttercloth1)
Countdown to the 2019 Client Showcase: #11

SBDC: Los Angeles SBDC Network, Long Beach SBDC Service Center (
SBDC Advisors: Joseph Jackson and Ed Von Leffern.

Danh Tran has always had a ferocious curiosity about fabrics and garment construction. Born in Vietnam, he grew up working in his family’s small tailor shop, making his own clothes by the time he was ten years old.

As a boy he dreamed of coming to America to become a famous fashion designer. Danh is proof that dreams really do come true. In 1994, his family immigrated to California. (more…)

America’s #SBDC Client Showcase – 12 Days Till the Event

February 1, 2019

America’s Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) are excited to announce the Client Showcase and Reception is back again this year! The following clients will be joining us on Capitol Hill on February 12th:

– California, Butter Cloth
Showcase Invitation– Florida, Atlantic Models, Inc.
– Kentucky, Nymbl Systems
– Maryland, Jordan Research and Development, LLC
– Michigan, Inductive Intelligence LLC
– New York, DogSpot
– Oklahoma, Whites Energy Services, LLC
– South Carolina, Extremiti3D
– Virginia, Port City Brewing Company
– Washington, FLEXHIBIT
– West Virginia, JesterLine (more…)

How to Hire Your First Employee (& When)

October 29, 2018
By Linsey Knerl –

EmployeeCongrats! Your small business is growing, and you’re starting to consider if it’s the right time to add on to your talent pool with your first, real hire. Up until now, you may have been relying on your own hard work, independent contractors, or even family members to get all the necessary tasks in your company accomplished. So, how do you know when you’re ready to take the plunge and raise your status to legal employer? These guidelines may help.

Know if You Need an Employee Now

Many tasks related to your business could be done by working with another independent contractor instead of an employee. While the determination should be made by following the laws stated for your state or local area, it’s generally OK to hire a contractor for tasks not specific to your business. Having someone come in and clean your t-shirt printing facility, for example, could be a freelance opportunity. Requiring someone to run your shop, print t-shirts, and deal with customers, however, is more likely an employee situation. Before you look at hiring an employee, be certain that it is indeed an employee you need to hire.  (more…)

Energy Engineer Overcomes Obstacles to Bring Business to Light

October 1, 2018
Success Story: Idaho –

Idaho SBDC success - RetroluxRetrolux was founded by Leif Elgethun, a self-described serial clean energy entrepreneur and advocate for a world as a carbon neutral society. After building software and honing workflows that greatly reduced the time and cost required to sell and install commercial building lighting retrofits for a former employer, Leif decided to found Retrolux.

This company seeks to accelerate the adoption of market-ready technologies that decrease fossil fuel usage and toxic materials in the lighting market by providing software that brings products to consumers faster and cheaper than ever before. With his background in energy engineering and project management, the first major obstacle was learning how to build a software company. The next obstacle was raising the capital required to build enterprise-grade software and bring it to market. (more…)