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Labor Law Postings: 5 Things to Know When You Have Remote Workers

August 6, 2018
By ComplyRight –

Remote WorkerIf you find employment laws confusing, you’re not alone. The 2018 National Small Business Compliance Pulse Survey, sponsored by ComplyRight, revealed that small business employers continue to be troubled by the increasing complexities of employment laws. According to the study, managing federal, state and local laws is the top concern among employers.

Employment laws are confusing. And one example is how labor law postings impact remote workers. You probably know you have to display current federal and state postings (and in some cases, city or county). But what about telecommuters? How are these employees supposed to receive this information? (more…)

5 HR Snafus That Could Sink Your Business

July 30, 2018
By Jennifer Lobb –

business personFor many small business owners, HR is a complicated web of internal and external policy, law, regulation, and documentation. Neatly packed into the HR box is an array of considerations and tasks that govern the relationships between your business and those you hire (or fire), as well as your business and the organizations that govern labor and industry (federal, state, and local).

For small business owners, failure to properly manage human resource tasks can quickly lead to substantial and detrimental personnel and legal problems. And while there are plenty of factors that must be considered to meet all HR responsibilities and factors, here are 5 common HR snafus that can sink your business: (more…)

Managing Sexual Harassment in Today’s Workplace

May 16, 2018
By ComplyRight –

Today's WorkplaceThe issue of sexual harassment in the workplace continues to attract extensive media coverage, as more victims are empowered to report misconduct against them.

Since the start of 2018 alone, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has filed or settled several high-profile sexual harassment lawsuits. Beavers’ Inc., which owns several Arby’s fast-food franchises, is among the latest companies to face the courts after the EEOC filed a lawsuit against them. The federal agency charged that the company broke the law when it subjected several teenage female employees at an Arby’s in Atmore, Alabama, to sexual harassment. (more…)

Common Myths About Labor Law Posting Regulations

March 26, 2018
By ComplyRight –

ComplyRight eGuide - Posting RegsPosting compliance is a lot more complicated than most people think. In fact, there are common misconceptions about this mandatory government requirement – even though it applies to every U.S. employer. Let’s look at the top three.

• Posting Law Myth #1: Ignoring Posting Laws Carries No Risk

“Government fines are so small, it’s no big deal if we don’t post.”

“There are no poster police out there … so how would I even get caught?”

It’s not unusual for business owners to underestimate the importance of posting compliance or to think the risk is so minimal it doesn’t really matter. But this could get you in trouble. (more…)

Buried in Employee Records?

February 28, 2018
By ComplyRight –

What to Keep and What to Toss (per Legal Requirements) –

FilesSpring is right around the corner – the perfect time to refresh, reboot and get rid of anything that is bogging you down. How about your employee paperwork? Are all those dog-eared files and folders taking over your space… and your patience?

It doesn’t have to be like that! Here are some guidelines for organizing and purging your employee records legally and safely:

1) Build a better foundation

Whether you keep paper or electronic files, best practice is to maintain three separate folders for each employee: personnel, payroll and medical. Personnel files cover everything from job applications to performance reviews, payroll files include salary-related paperwork and time sheets, and medical folders hold documents such as health insurance forms, doctors’ notes and medical leave paperwork. (more…)