America’s SBDC Blog

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Small Business Budgeting and Borrowing

September 9, 2020
By Ty Kiisel –

Over the nearly 40 years I’ve either owned or otherwise worked in a small business, I’ve observed that even businesses that might not be considered “seasonal” in the traditional sense ebb and flow over the course of the year, creating times when capital becomes tight and the cash flow pinch can cause an otherwise healthy business to struggle. In today’s world, small business budgeting and borrowing are more important than ever. I use these two words together intentionally, because I believe there is a synergy there for business owners who take a strategic approach to capitalizing their businesses.

A reactionary approach to a small business’ need for capital can satisfy a short-term need or meet an unanticipated shortfall, but it might not help the business grow. We see evidence of this in the failure rate of small businesses in our country. Of the 30 or so million small businesses in the United States, those that survive the first few years are far too few, and only 40% of small businesses are even profitable. What’s more, the most common reason for business failure is a lack of adequate cash. In fact, poor cash flow causes 84% of the business failures in the US. (more…)

Don’t Miss Out On New Covid-19 Tax Credits

September 1, 2020
By Intuit –

Intuit Aid Assist EstimatorTo help small businesses and self-employed workers stay afloat due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the IRS created new tax credits, including:

• Employee Retention Credit
• Paid Sick Leave Credit
• Paid Family and Medical Leave Credit

But carving out extra time to figure out which tax credit options you may qualify for — while adapting your business to COVID-19 — can be an overwhelming and time-consuming experience. Federal financial relief programs often have rules, provisions, and exceptions that are hard to understand at a glance. With a mission to power prosperity around the world, Intuit recently added a Tax Credit Estimator to Intuit Aid Assist — a free interactive tool that helps you determine your eligibility for various federal relief programs. Share on X (more…)

Paving a “pathway to prosperity” one small business at a time

May 27, 2020
By Moody’s –

Small businesses are the backbone of the US economy. However, with recent uncertainty caused by COVID-19, many are struggling to stay afloat. Even in less turbulent times, entrepreneurs often lack insight into what their finances look like from day to day, how much cash they have on hand or whether they will be able to pay their bills on time. In fact, according to a March 2018 Preferred CFO study, 82% of business failures are a result of poor cash flow management.

One of Moody’s key CSR focus areas is empowering people with financial knowledge, which is why we made cash flow management the focus of a 2019 initiative for US entrepreneurs. This financial empowerment initiative was created in partnership with the Foundation for Small Business Development (FFSBD), the philanthropic arm of America’s Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs). It is the first initiative under Moody’s new Pathway to Prosperity program, which is part of our larger Reshape Tomorrow™ initiative. “Our ultimate goal is to help thousands of small business owners and employees to better manage their finances and secure their operations,” says Charles “Tee” Rowe, President and CEO of America’s SBDC. Share on X (more…)

Profit Margin Formula

January 14, 2020
What is it, How to Calculate it, How to Improve Profit Margin
By Anna Baluch –

When you sell a product or service, it’s important to understand your profit margin or how much money you make by selling your product. Essentially, a profit margin shows your return on investment (ROI) for all of your expenses. A low margin indicates you’re not getting the ideal ROI for your expenses while a high one proves you’re doing well.

Ideally, you’d have a high profit margin that steers your organization toward long term growth and success. By taking the time to figure out your profit margin, you can set attainable goals and make informed decisions for your unique business. (more…)

7 Steps for Buying a Commercial Real Estate Property

December 23, 2019
By Michelle Black –


Buying commercial real estate has the potential to be an excellent investment, often more so than residential properties. Yet even if you’re an experienced real estate investor, it’s crucial to understand that buying a commercial property isn’t the same as buying a house.

Before you purchase a commercial property, it helps to know the pros and cons of this type of investment. It’s also important to understand that with the chance for more reward often comes a higher purchase price and more risk.

How to Buy a Commercial Property: An In-Depth Review

1. Understand your motivations for investing in commercial real estate.

Why do you want to invest in commercial real estate? It’s an important question to ask yourself before you start hunting for properties. (more…)