America’s SBDC Blog

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America’s #SBDC Congressional Showcase – McClintock Distilling Company

January 28, 2016

4 Days to the Showcase!

McClintock Distilling Company
Frederick, Maryland

McClintock-Distillery-pic2McClintock Distilling Company opened in in the Fall of 2015, with the help of the city of Frederick and the Frederick SBDC (Small Business Development Center). Braedon Bumpers and his partner Tyler Hegamyer wanted to continue the legacy of McClinktock Young, by restoring a 5,000 square foot downtown location to produce craft gin, vodka, and rum, followed by whiskey, in the next two years.

They came to the SBDC because they had some funding available, but needed additional funding and some education in how to run a business. After taking several of the training classes offered by the SBDC, and working with SBDC consultant Brandon Mason, McClintock Distilling Company secured an SBA guaranteed loan and started the distillery. (more…)

America’s #SBDC Congressional Showcase – Luke’s Toy Factory

January 27, 2016

5 Days to the Showcase!

Luke’s Toy Factory
Danbury, Connecticut

Lukes-Toy-Factory-picLuke’s Toy Factory designs toys with a simple, old school wooden style. These are toys that look like they could have been hand crafted by a skilled wood worker, with some of the qualities of their full-size counterparts. But Luke’s Toy Factory toys are made using state of the art manufacturing processes and materials, right here in the USA. Everything used to make the toys – every sourced material, every tool and every supplier used – is American. 

Luke’s Toy Factory toys are fun to play with! Think of a 3D puzzle that becomes a truck when assembled. Designed for small hands, the toys are made with a bit of wiggle room, so that kids with developing motor skills are not frustrated. The company’s target age is 3 and up – just at the point where kids are outgrowing “baby toys” but aren’t quite ready for the precision required for more complicated building toys.

The CT SBDC has been instrumental in providing advice at every stage of Luke’s Toy Factory’s growth. Early in the research stage, the creators of Luke’s Toy Factory reached out to the SBDC, after attending a presentation on writing a business plan. When they met with Business Advisor Nelson Merchan at the Connecticut Small Business Development Center, he was immediately helpful, providing advice on funding, best business practices, and even practical advice on packaging. He actually researched and brought samples of ideas from other packaging that helped Luke’s Toy Factory craft its own packages.  (more…)

America’s #SBDC Congressional Showcase – KuKuRuZa Gourmet Popcorn

January 26, 2016

6 Days to the Showcase!

KuKuRuZa Gourmet Popcorn
Seattle, Washington

KuKuRuZa-Gourmet-PopcornCreate great gourmet popcorn and the world will beat a path to your door.

At least that’s been Grant and Ashley Jones’ experience with their Seattle-based business, KuKuRuZa Gourmet Popcorn. This winter, popcorn is flying off shelves in the Puget Sound as tasty treats for Christmas and Kwanzaa celebrations, but its appeal is broader than that.

Earlier this year, a KuKuRuZa store opened in the Hayat Mall in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where customers were invited to break the fast of Ramadan with flavors first developed in the Jones’ Woodinville garage just three years earlier. The franchise agreement calls for up to 25 KuKuRuZa stores to open in the Middle East in the next five years. Other possibilities are being discussed in Japan, New Zealand, Australia and India.

With assistance from the Washington Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Jones was able to build a comprehensive export and franchise strategy, without short changing the needs of his growing domestic market. The Washington SBDC provides no-cost business advising to small business owners.  (more…)

America’s #SBDC Congressional Showcase – House of Design

January 25, 2016

7 Days to the Showcase!

House of Design
Nampa, Idaho
Owners: Ryan Okelberry & Shane Dittrich
Staff: 6 full time employees, 2 contract employees

House-of-Design-picHouse of Design, formed in 2012, is led by two engineers who met working on several projects prior to deciding to start a company. With 30 years of experience, owners Ryan Okelberry and Shane Dittrich are passionate about the flexibility of robots and how they can be incorporated into the manufacturing process. House of Design’s focus is to identify and implement the right robotic solution using ‘flexible automation,’ the ability for a robot or system to be quickly and easily re-tasked to changes in product design. This ability improves quality, eliminates safety issues and provides the client the highest return on investment.

House of Design is a resident client in the Idaho SBDC’s incubator/accelerator – the TECenter. There they have taken advantage of SBDC training and consulting as well as having an industrial manufacturing space to build the robot systems. The SBDC has also provided referrals to link House of Design with other resources that can help their business and partners.  (more…)

America’s #SBDC Congressional Showcase – Helios Remote Sensing Systems

January 24, 2016

8 Days to the Showcase!

Helios Remote Sensing Systems
Rome, New York

Rome, NY Tech Company Get On Uncle Sam’s Radar

Helios-Remote-Sensing-picRadar is involved in many different parts of our daily lives, such as the Doppler radar used to forecast weather or automatic position sensing in automobiles. An acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging, radar describes the energy that detects a target’s range and motion. One small business in Rome, New York, Helios Remote Sensing Systems, Inc., is taking radar technology to new heights and keeping our nation’s military and intelligence forces the best equipped in the world.

In 2007, Walter Szczepanski was ready to start his technology company after a career with GE Aerospace in Utica, NY and Lockheed Martin in Syracuse, NY, working on airborne sensors. Helios initially employed just Szczepanski and his business-savvy daughter, Janine, but then quickly grew to include more employees in the following years. Walter and Janine turned to business advisor David Lerman at the Mohawk Valley Small Business Development Center (SBDC) for help with a business plan to launch Helios Remote Sensing Systems. Janine worked with Roxanne Mutchler, the statewide SBDC government contracting expert, to access BIDLinx, a free SBDC program which sends customized listings of contracting opportunities right to her email address.  (more…)