America’s SBDC Blog

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Procurement Corner: Capability Statements… ”Setting Yourself Apart”

May 16, 2012

I have been writing about building a one-page Capability Statement for your business to optimize your marketing strategy. Personally, I consider it a “best practice” for branding your business and creating solid lasting impressions. As mentioned previously, there’s nothing “sacred” about my format or content. Both are merely based on personal preferences from my experience with government/prime contractor procurement. Keep them simple and easy to read. Besides conveying the limited amount of information on a business card, it needs to clearly set you apart from your competition.

I suggested that using a logo is good, but it’s wise to keep it small to conserve valuable space. Underneath the logo, I added “the usual” general contact information followed by a concise (3-4 sentences) “Capabilities Statement”. This is where you begin branding your business. Always highlight your business type, describe what exactly it is that you “bring to the table”, value-added and, years of experience. How you state it though is critical. You want it to trigger the reader’s interest to keep him/her reading! (more…)

Desperate Measures from The Legal Edge

May 14, 2012

(As seen in the SmartCEO Magazine, April 2012)

Business is hard, and companies are reaching for results. In the process, some businesses take dangerous shortcuts and risk dire consequences.

Government gold rush: As business has dropped off in the private sector, more and more companies are lured by the prospect of easy money at the government trough. One of the prime targets is work set aside for minority and disadvantaged businesses. The problem is that plenty of companies that don’t qualify want to get into the act.

All too often, businesses that don’t qualify want to set up new companies with a person – who meets the standards – as a figurehead. These businesses don’t really want this person to run the new company. So they ignore the rules or attempt to disguise the real situation. (more…)

24 Links to Make You Awesome at Facebook Marketing

May 11, 2012

Have you been struggling to gain some traction with your Facebook marketing? Has it come the point where no matter what you do, you still feel like you’re spinning your wheels?

Well, my friends, here’s a resource you’re really going to “Like.” Below are 24 links to posts we’ve put together to help you race down the road to Facebook marketing success. Enjoy!

1. Facebook Page vs. Profile: The Heavyweight Championship Bout

2. How to Regularly Post to Your Facebook Page (Without Annoying the $#!* Out of Your Fans)

3. Turn that Frown Upside Down: How to Make an Unhappy Fan a Happier Customer

4. Get Your Customers to Say “I Want That!” in Four Easy Steps

5. Why Isn’t Your Facebook Content as Shareable as a Super Bowl Ad?

6. When to Post to Facebook for Maximum Impact (more…)

Four Ways to Help Your Client Expand Their Business

May 9, 2012

Today’s economy presents some unique opportunities for business expansion for those who have a unique set of circumstances. Help your clients act now to expand their business and help position them for success. 

By Mike Handelsman, Group General Manager, and

Growing a business is a constant challenge, and today’s economic climate is likely making things more challenging. However, by helping clients to explore expansion options uniquely available during an economic downturn, they may be able to take their business, and business performance, to new heights.

Here are a few fresh ideas, uniquely suited to current market conditions, which might stimulate some new thinking on how to expand a business. (more…)

Book Review: Found It – A Field Guide For Mom Entrepreneurs (Great Book For Every Newbie Biz Owner)

May 7, 2012

I remember staring my first business, “Family Computer Consulting Services,” over 12 years ago. I had no clue what I was doing and just grew my business, helping clients, by the seat of my pants. I did have Inc Magazine, which helped give me insight on how other businesses were growing and the challenges they faced, but that’s about it. I dissolved the business (it was profitable!) and morphed into

I wish I’d had Jill Salzman’s book, “Found It. A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs.”

Her easy to read book, with cute imagery, is focused on moms and their entrepreneurial journey but (shh) it’s really a great field guide for a dad or anyone starting their business.

The book is chock full of short, to the point and very useful information, in fact 51 tips, including a resource section. (more…)