America’s SBDC Blog

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5 Useful Data Security Tips for Small Businesses: How to Keep Your Remote Staff Secure

December 29, 2022

It’s no secret that cybersecurity should be a top priority for any business, big or small. But if your business has remote workers or if you have a small staff working from multiple locations, you may be wondering — why does my small business need to worry about data security?

More than half of all cyberattacks are committed against small to midsize businesses. And cyberattacks on remote workers rose 238% during the pandemic. Despite this, 47% do not have a cybersecurity defense plan in place. 

Arm your small business against all-too-common breaches by implementing the following security measures we’re listing below.

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Want to Achieve Your 2023 Financials Goals? Start Now and Get Your Team Involved.

December 23, 2022

By Lauren Owen

Imagine it’s December 2023 and you are about to stand up and thank your team for a job well done at your annual holiday party. You’re happy because you set and met many strong goals for your business this year, including your profit goals. This year’s profits allowed you to distribute meaningful bonuses to your team and make plans for investments that will help grow your business in the years to come. Yes, there were some challenges, but for once you didn’t feel like it was all on your shoulders. The team really stepped up.

As you reflect on what actions made the difference, a couple of things stand out.

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13 Things I’ve Learned From Building a Startup

December 20, 2022

By Ken So

Though Silicon Valley startups are often treated as separate from Main Street small businesses, the basic tenets of starting and growing a business are the same no matter what you’re building. As the founder of a business that serves both enterprise and everyday businesses, plus a mentor to new startups, it’s been a special privilege to be able to observe and learn from business owners from all backgrounds and walks of life. Here’s advice I find myself giving a lot to new founders that I think all entrepreneurs can learn from.

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Make your holiday shopping list, and check it twice… look for safe and secure ways to prevent scams while making online purchases.

December 16, 2022

By Jacob Blacksten 

With the holiday season in full swing, there is a lot on our plates, both literally and figuratively. You are likely buying presents online, making travel arrangements to see family and friends, and setting up the inevitable “smart” devices you will be giving or receiving as gifts. Being diligent and secure while online tends to fall to the wayside, especially when searching for the best deals or quickest instructions.

While your guard naturally drops during the holiday season, cybercrimes spike. Scams increasingly pop up all over. So, before buying that gift from a site you have never heard of with a payment method you have never used before, read through our tips below to ensure you are protecting your personal data. This will help keep the Grinch from stealing your Christmas (or identity) this holiday season.

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Holiday inventory: Tips your small business can use to manage inventory during the holidays.

December 14, 2022

How to navigate supply chain issues, timing, buying, and more

By Danielle Higley

The holiday season is an exciting — and stressful — time for small business owners. Increased foot traffic, bigger sales goals, and the desire to turn new customers into regular patrons means more pressure than any other time of year.

Piling atop the typical challenges of entrepreneurship, business owners are faced with every conceivable balancing act: Where to put all that additional inventory when there’s limited shelf space. How to get big-ticket items out the door. Ensuring that each item is in the right place at the right time. Meanwhile, 2020 and 2021’s supply chain issues loom like ghosts of Christmases past.

Yet despite all these concerns, Dierdre Appelhans and Barbra Huntting, co-owners of The Read Queen Bookstore & Café, exhibit an admirable sense of peace and confidence going into the 2022 holiday shopping season.

Two and a half years after opening their doors in Lafayette, Colorado, they’re sharing their lessons learned. Here are four of their small business insights for retailers looking to make a holiday inventory plan.

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