America’s SBDC Blog

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Friends Bring Fresh Approach to Animal Feed with Fodder Farming

April 17, 2023

Tracey Ahearn and Kathy Signorelli have been friends for 35 years. They have supported each other through just about everything: relationships, marriages, jobs, kids, divorces, moves. Now they own a business together.

“When I had the opportunity to chase my dream of working with horses and help improve the health of horses with growing fodder hydroponically, Tracey was all in,” said Signorelli. “She has always been interested in hydroponics and growing sprouts, and we both have a love for animals, so we decided to give it our best shot.”

They started Red Barn Harvest in Hot Springs, Arkansas, in 2021. Red Barn Harvest produces fresh, hydroponically grown barley sprouts, known as fodder, as feed for performance horses and other grass-fed animals. They serve the immediate Hot
Springs area, home of Oaklawn race track.

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Common Financial Mistakes Small Businesses Make: Tips to Avoid Them

April 11, 2023

It’s time to organize your small business’s finances — but where do you even begin? If you don’t have a degree in finance or accounting, the task can seem daunting. Luckily, millions of entrepreneurs have walked this path before, and most common mistakes can be easily avoided with a little bit of awareness. Empower yourself with these small business tips to set your business up for longevity.

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Mastering Financial Literacy: A Guide to Making Sound Financial Choices as a Business Owner

March 21, 2023

It’s estimated that the average person makes up to 35,000 decisions a day. If you’re a small business owner, you’re likely making thousands more than that — and some of those decisions can either make or break your business. Arm yourself with financial literacy for business owners to ensure every decision you make brings your company closer to success.

What Is Financial Literacy?

Financial literacy is the continued learning and understanding of money management best practices, including budgeting, investing, and saving. It’s a crucial process of self-education that sets you up for financial stability and success, and it applies to both business-related and personal finances.

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Happy #SBDCDay!

March 15, 2023

As small business owners navigate an ever-changing landscape, Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) continue to support and elevate their clients through innovative at-cost training programs and free advising strategies. Nearly 1,000 SBDCs can be found across the United States and its territories, serving clients virtually and from their centers in host institutions like universities and chambers. Whether SBDCs are serving rural America, addressing a solution in fintech, or helping a millennial woman-owned business expand to global exporting, SBDCs are at the forefront, assisting their clients at every step. Don’t miss the new America’s SBDC Annual Report to read about hundreds of small businesses and how their small businesses thrived with the help of their local SBDC.

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Starting a Food Product Business in 8 Steps

March 14, 2023

Starting a food product business can be an exciting and challenging venture. There are several steps involved in the process, which we will outline below:

Step 1: Develop Your Product Idea

The first step in starting a food product business is to develop your product idea. Consider your strengths, interests, and passions. Conduct market research to determine if there is a demand for your product, and if there is already competition in the market. You can use online resources, such as Google Trends and social media platforms to gather information on market trends, and learn about what customers are looking for in food products. Identify what makes your product unique and why it will appeal to customers.

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