America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Building A Community, While Building A Business

July 13, 2015
The-BearSuccess Story: Iowa

“Kelly lent tremendous expertise and provided resources and support as we were creating a business plan and searching for best practices.” – Leann and David Jacobsen, Owners of the The Bear Coffeehouse + Wine Bar

Impact of working with the Northwest Iowa SBDC: With an incredible amount of community support and some help from Kelly McCarty, director of the Northwest Iowa SBDC, Leann and David were able to create The Bear. Kelly assisted the experienced business owners by helping with market research, financial planning and loan applications.

Read the whole story, and learn more about the Iowa SBDC and The Bear Coffeehouse + Wine Bar.

Tech: Cause or Cure for Work/Life Harmony?

July 10, 2015

Tech-and-work-life-harmonyIn the struggle to balance work and life, technology is often seen as a culprit for dissatisfaction. With our always-on, ever-connected lifestyles, it’s easy to see why tech gets a bad rap. Even when we’re at home trying to relax, it’s impossible to fully disconnect.

At the same time, there’s no doubt evolutions in technology have improved life for small businesses in the past few years. Here’s how tools you’re already using can help you achieve work/life harmony:

•  Set clear expectations with your schedule – and leave work at work. Create a group calendar to share with your employees and family that reserves time for specific activities— work-related and personal. This approach will allow you to be present in whatever you’re doing at the time, whether it’s answering customer emails or reading a bedtime story to your kids. You can also use your out-of-office responder when you’re on vacation so you can actually enjoy your time away.  (more…)

Franchising In An Affordable Way

July 8, 2015

Franchising-In-An-Affordable-WaySeveral economists and financial sources cite that, while things have steadily (albeit slowly) improved, America may be in the midst of a “new normal” in terms of its level of improvement. Suffice to say, very few businesses in corporate America have been able to escape the cycle of downsizing and outsourcing.

Executives previously locked into so-called “safe” environments have found themselves alongside the bevy of recent college graduates—all scouring limited job opportunities rife with qualified candidates. In the most conservative estimate, it is proffered that—at a minimum—there are three candidates for every corporate job opening today. Facts and figures such as these have led to a sea-change in attitude. From those willing to initiate an investigation of small business ownership to the full-on “I can’t take it anymore!” crowd, it seems as if alternatives to working for others have truly been replaced by the attraction of working for themselves.

Of all considerations poured into the discovery and investigation of small business or franchise ownership, what is one of the biggest misconceptions? Money. Specifically, the amount necessary to invest in a worthwhile opportunity that leads to financial independence. Ask most potential prospects and franchise candidates about the capital necessary to invest in their future and you’ll likely hear an astronomical figure that has no real basis in fact.  (more…)

“Franchise Matchmaker?” What’s That?

July 3, 2015

franchise-matchmakerIt’s just another way of describing what FranNet, the international network of franchise consultants, does for its clients (at no cost!): Introduce entrepreneurs to the small businesses of their dreams.

What do all the online dating service commercials say?

We use our special 46-point formula to determine the precise mesh points for you and the romantic partner you’ve been waiting for along a 13-axis spectrum of compatibility. Or something like that.

Sometimes it works, sometimes not. But what if you took the same basic idea, simplified it and applied it to the world of franchising?

It’s a big pool. Thousands of franchise opportunities are open every day, in fields that go way beyond traditional restaurant franchising: tutoring, auto service, technology management.  (more…)