America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Tips for Running Your Small Business

September 23, 2015
By Michael Willee

Tips-for-Running-Your-Small-BusinessAs a small business, you have to approach things differently than larger companies in your field. But that doesn’t necessarily have to be a disadvantage. While big businesses have considerable resources to draw from for projects, they can also be the victim of an entrenched mindset that can prevent new and innovative thinking. Here are some ways that small businesses can succeed at winning an unfair game.

Be efficient. While other organizations may have millions of dollars to throw around, startups and small businesses don’t have that luxury. But a lack of money doesn’t necessarily mean a lack of results. The most successful small businesses are the ones that make the best use of the money they do have to achieve the greatest return on their dollar. That doesn’t necessarily mean slashing expenditures across the board; sometimes, it’s better to pay a bit more for a superior product. But smart entrepreneurs are able to recognize areas where there’s value to be had in undervalued assets.

Use metrics to your advantage. Bigger companies can afford to take success at face value, but small businesses should want to know where that success comes from. Who is your target audience? What type of advertising is most successful, and in which medium? (more…)

Caves and High Tech Normally Don’t Go Together – But They Should

September 21, 2015
Stronghold Data - MO SuccessSuccess Story: Missouri
  • Missouri Southern State University (MSSU) SBTDC, in Joplin, Missouri
  • SBTDC Consultants: Lisa Robinson, Director, and Ken Surbrugg, Consultant, MSSU SBTDC
  • Client: Stronghold Data, L.L.C. – SBDC client since 2006

“… it (the MSSU SBTDC and its services) helped me a lot. I had a little experience from college, before I went into computers, but Ken has been so helpful, educating me as a small business owner to understand the details of statements.” James Richards, CEO, Stronghold Data, L.L.C.

Impact of working with the Missouri Southern State University SBTDC: Stronghold Data CEO James Richards believes the firm will double its current 16 employees and dramatically increase revenue from its current ~$3 million in the next two to three years.

Read the whole story, and learn more about the Missouri SBTDC network and Stronghold Data, L.L.C.

Up Your Game: 3 Simple Ways to Write Product Descriptions that Rock

September 16, 2015
Brooke LipsitzBy Brooke Lipsitz

You’ve set up your first online store. You know your product is rock solid, and now, you’re on a mission to showcase your items.

You know great images make a big difference so you’ve made sure to include the best photos, but you still need a creative and unique description to tell the viewer what makes your product worth buying. This verbiage goes beyond the visual to describe your product’s features and benefits — and it’s critical to your e-commerce efforts.

Here are some helpful tips and tricks to make writing those product descriptions easier.

1. Personality and voice are key

Begin by determining your core audience and how to best speak to them. For example, if your product is meant to appeal to an engineer, your description of features and benefits, as well as your language, will be different than that of someone selling beauty supplies.

Educating an audience about a product or service may be helpful, but if your target audience is already aware of how the product functions, be sure to speak to their existing knowledge and add to it.

What about some personality? Absolutely! You can be fun and conversational with all types of buyers, but make sure your humor will be appreciated based on whom you are trying to target.

Some things to remember when injecting your personality into a description:  (more…)

Entrepreneurial Couple Finds Startup Success

September 14, 2015
SC-success-il-giorgioneSuccess Story: South Carolina
  • Columbia Area SBDC
  • Clients: Monica and George Kessler, owners of Il Giorgione in Columbia, SC
  • SBDC clients for three years

“We are sure we saved time and money working with the SBDC. Their expertise is invaluable, yet their services are free!” Monica Kessler, Co-Owner, Il Giorgione

Impact of working with the South Carolina SBDC: Insight into a variety of small business issues.

Read the whole story, and learn more about the South Carolina SBDC and Il Giorgione.