Success Story: Missouri
- Missouri Southern State University (MSSU) SBTDC, in Joplin, Missouri
- SBTDC Consultants: Lisa Robinson, Director, and Ken Surbrugg, Consultant, MSSU SBTDC
- Client: Stronghold Data, L.L.C. – SBDC client since 2006
“… it (the MSSU SBTDC and its services) helped me a lot. I had a little experience from college, before I went into computers, but Ken has been so helpful, educating me as a small business owner to understand the details of statements.” James Richards, CEO, Stronghold Data, L.L.C.
Impact of working with the Missouri Southern State University SBTDC: Stronghold Data CEO James Richards believes the firm will double its current 16 employees and dramatically increase revenue from its current ~$3 million in the next two to three years.
Read the whole story, and learn more about the Missouri SBTDC network and Stronghold Data, L.L.C.