America’s SBDC Blog

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Childhood Dream Becomes Real Life Dream Job

June 27, 2023

Appletree Learning Center — A Success Story

Since Taylor Kashner was 5 years old, she has dreamed of starting her own learning center for children. In October, 2022, that dream became a reality when Taylor and her parents, Jeff and Maxine, opened Appletree Learning Center. The 15,500 square-foot, two-story building is newly renovated and features an activity room, gym, and kitchen. Appletree will function like a daycare but with an emphasis on education and preparation for
elementary school.

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Colorful, Tasteful and Authentic Mexican Experience with BOGA Tacos.

June 20, 2023

BOGA Taco, LLC — A Success Story

Guadalupe Osorno arrived to the U.S. escaping from domestic violence but still here she was a victim who ended up in a shelter with her 4 children at that time. She went to the Fresh Start program which helped her with housing and a job. She was working day and night shifts cleaning, she saved money and planned to start her own business. By then, she remarried and now has 8 kids. She got together with her family members and each invested to get their dream a reality.

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How to Succeed as a Rural Small Business

June 15, 2023

You were country when country wasn’t cool. And now you’re ready to launch your small business at the core of rural America. It may not always feel like your big dreams can become reality in a small town, but in 2023, rural businesses are thriving. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the nation’s manufacturing jobs — once the beating heart of rural economies — sharply declined through the 2000s. But in the last few years, those jobs have been replaced by service and retail roles, largely in small businesses.

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Consulting Traction in 6 Easy Steps: A Business Fable of Helping Clients Reach Their Dreams

June 13, 2023

Imagine it is your last counseling session of the year with one of your favorite clients, Zoe. Together you are celebrating her record-setting year-end profits and revenue. For the first time ever, she was able to pay meaningful bonuses and her team is ecstatic. She’s made plans to invest some of her profits in a new location. Yes, there were challenges along the way, but for the first time Zoe felt her business’s performance was not all on her shoulders. Her team stepped up and were instrumental in making it happen.

As you and Zoe reflected on what made the difference, six key steps stood out.

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Jump-Start Client Success: 8 Tips to Immediately Boost Your Financial Coaching Game

May 23, 2023

As your SBDC clients grow their businesses, add employees or even locations, you must help them achieve their sales and profit goals as efficiently as possible. Mastering financial coaching skills is essential to guiding their profitable growth.

Many counselors are comfortable discussing marketing, operations or human resources, but struggle with conversations about financials. Even counselors who are comfortable on the financial side of things sometimes struggle to get their clients to take action. How can you get clients engaged in this important topic? Here are some tips using goal focused, solutions-oriented coaching conversations to jump-start your clients’ financial success.

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