America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Tricks to Scare Up Halloween Business

October 31, 2012

Halloween is increasingly popular. Last year, seven out of ten Americans reported they planned to celebrate the holiday. And, retail spending reflects that enthusiasm. Sales of Halloween-related products increased by nine percent in 2011, to reach $6.86 billion in sales. Although the National Retail Federation hasn’t released its 2012 predictions, there is no reason to expect a decline in spending.

Even if you don’t sell costumes, stage makeup or lawn decorations, you can still scare up some business at Halloween using these tricks:

Decorate.  When planning decorations, remember you want the atmosphere to appeal to your customers and prospects. That might mean employees dressed (and acting) as zombies; it might mean using cheerful ghosts and cute black cats. Know your audience before sprucing up your storefront. (more…)

Three Cost Effective Ways to Generate Press for Your Business

October 29, 2012

Getting the press your business deserves comes down to building relationships with writers and having a compelling product or service. There are many ways to generate buzz for your business, but below we’ve provided three to generate traction without breaking the bank.

Analyze your competition

Are any of your competitors receiving endless amounts of press? Find out which journalists are writing those articles and how you can build a relationship with them. Make sure you only email them when you have something interesting to say. Writers can’t stand pitches that are completely self-promotional. (more…)

Q&A: Boost Your Business Knowledge with a Board of Advisors

October 28, 2012

Q: I run a small business with seven employees. At times I find myself looking for advice on a variety of business decisions, but unlike big corporations I can’t afford to hire a high priced consultant. Who can I go to for affordable small business advice?

A: Everyone needs good advice when starting and running a small business, even those who have done it before. And it has nothing to do with size. Executive managers of large companies routinely consult highly experienced and respected advisors for unbiased feedback before making key decisions or implementing major changes.

So why should you be different? You can get the same kind of experience and insights, without the high fees of professional consultants, simply by forming an advisory board for your small business. (more…)

Trick or Treating For Small Business Funding

October 26, 2012

As a kid, it didn’t take long to learn which neighbors to avoid on Halloween. There were the cheapskates who expected you to share a single Tootsie Roll with your kid brother. Or the curmudgeons who claimed trick or treating hours were over and all you punks needed to get back home ASAP.

When it comes to searching for funding, you’re no longer the kid with the ultimate trick-or-treat route. Now’s the time to knock on every door, no matter how uninviting they might seem from the curb..

Let the Funds Knock on Your Door

You could create a Website soliciting donations for you and hope for the best, or you can create a profile on Kickstarter. Fair warning: Kickstarter’s business model caters toward creative projects and tech businesses. This online community serves as a platform for entrepreneurs to: (more…)

Four Business-killing Mistakes to Avoid

October 25, 2012

Franchise businesses are a wonderful way for professionals to build thriving small businesses, but there are some icebergs out there potential franchise owners need to avoid.

Here are four:

Failure to absorb the FDD

It’s baffling to think that a franchisee would invest thousands of dollars in a business venture without knowing what he or she was getting into — especially when the law requires franchisors to disclose detailed information about operations, costs, earning potential and legal requirements.

But it happens. People get so excited about their business venture that they don’t read the Franchise Disclosure Document, or just read the Item 7 expenditures and Item 19 earnings information and skip over the rest. Then they’re caught by surprise later when it’s too late. (more…)