America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Is it time to get a SSL certificate?

October 13, 2014

At first, determining whether or not you need a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate might seem like a daunting task. What do they do? Do I really need one, and if I do, why? When do I attach it to my site? Don’t worry — just about every small business owner launching a website for the first time asks the same questions.

The whole concept of SSL might seem like a mystery, but it’s actually fairly clear-cut. Here’s the lowdown:

What is SSL? 

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a security mechanism that works between a user’s Web browser (like Firefox® and Google Chrome™) and the website the user is connecting to. The website’s software includes a SSL certificate issued by a trustworthy authority. When confidential info needs to be exchanged, SSL is used to encrypt the information before it is sent, and then to decrypt it at the other end, when it has been received.  (more…)

Simple steps to crafting powerful marketing campaigns

October 7, 2014

The goal of any marketing effort is to achieve a measurable result—and for many that goal to is often focused on moving your audience to take action. This may sound like an overwhelming task, but with the right approach in place, it does not have to be difficult to develop marketing campaigns that drive impact and achieve great results.  Following are some simple steps that you can follow to help craft powerful marketing campaigns.

1) Think about the audience you’re trying to reach

Start by thinking about your ideal customer. Who are they? What are they interested in? What problems can you help them solve? Relevance is one of the most important factors of any successful marketing campaign. The goal of your marketing should be to create something that customers and potential customers will appreciate. That’s the type of experience people are going to pay attention to, and it’s also the best way to bring customers back.  (more…)

Help, I can’t find my own website! Solve that problem with keywords.

September 30, 2014

How do you know if your site is working? And by working, I don’t mean actually landing on your home page when you type the URL in your preferred browser. I mean working – the type of effort that produces results; and what result is more important than visitors actually finding your website?

Enter the mysterious world of search engine optimization (SEO), where keywords and relevant content affect whether or not your website is ranked higher on search engines like Google®. SEO content writers know exactly which phrase to tweak and which keyword to repeat in order to boost a site’s rankings. Problem is, we all aren’t practiced SEO writers, so where do we begin?

Keywords, keywords, keywords

It sounds simple enough – you’ve been a business owner in your market for quite some time now, and who better to know what words define your industry than you? If you aren’t sure what words and phrases are making or breaking your website, simply ask yourself, “If I were to search for my product on a search engine, what would I type into the search bar?” Then, determine if these phrases are present in your Web content. Still not too sure? Use a tool like Google AdWords™ Keyword Planner to discover keywords people might be using to find websites like yours.  (more…)

Streamlining the Search Process for Trademark Registration

September 29, 2014

Notebook-StreamliningTheSearchProcessTrademarks are an essential way to protect your intellectual property (IP) so you can market your goods and services under your brand. However, if you have ever gone through the trademark registration process, you know the challenges in trying to find out whether the idea is already protected.

Trademark applications are not cheap and the cost of re-filing again and again is a wasted expense. To ensure the application is filed right the first time round, it can take up numerous resources and time that you may not have. Even then, you might miss information about a trademark that could eventually put you in danger of infringement.

With a new tool being designed that can help you find information faster, this process may be easier than ever. This digital tool, called TrademarkNow, has been searching for venture capitalists to get it on the market. It recently received a $3.5 million investment from a company called Balderton Capital that will ensure it is used by millions of businesses.  (more…)

Rhonda Abrams, Travel Blog Series: When You Return

September 24, 2014

What to Do when You Return from a Small Business Trip

Rhonda teamed up with Marriott and Visa to create the Smart Small Business Travel Guide, on which this blog post is based.

Before you go on a business trip, allow for thoughtful planning to help you make the most of your travel. (See my previous post to get started.) With a plan in place, you’ll have an easier time ensuring that you’re productive and meeting your goals while you’re away.

But in some ways, the most important part of your trip happens when you return. You’ll probably have generated many leads, sales, and ideas—now it’s time to follow-up.

Your first inclination when you get back to the office is to jump right in to tackle anything that’s accumulated while you’ve been away. Wait! Schedule an hour or two—or even a day—just for trip follow-up. Capture the successes you’ve achieved from your trip and outline your next steps.  (more…)