America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Sun Buckets – #SBDC Client Showcase

Sun BucketsSun Buckets, Inc. ( | @SunBucketsInc)
Countdown to the 2020 Client Showcase: #9

SBDC: Illinois SBDC at Champaign County EDC (
SBDC Advisor: Mariel Huasanga

Sun Buckets, Inc. is an energy company with a focus on sustainability. Sun Bucket’s technology provides a game-changing innovation that enables the collection, storage, and use of renewable solar energy. With Sun Buckets, you can cook and dry food and agricultural products without fuel, fire, or emissions. And because Sun Buckets provide portable storage, you can use them when and where you like, including inside and at night. Sun Buckets cook and dry using solar energy, even at night. Sun Buckets, Inc. is tackling head-on the global cooking crisis, which is the 4th largest killer globally.

“Most of our current business is international. Mariel’s help and guidance [at the SBDC] has been invaluable. We started out not very familiar with international trade. With guidance from Mariel, we have negotiated letters of credit, arranged international partnerships, and shipped products around the world.— Joe Bradley, Co-Founder/Chief Financial Officer


The America’s SBDC Client Showcase and Reception will be held from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm on Tuesday, February 11, 2020, in the Rayburn House Office Building Cafeteria.

Invite your Representatives and Senators to the Client Showcase and Reception now!

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