America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Tapping Into the Great Untapped Online Marketing Tool: Review Websites

December 21, 2012
By BizFilings Business Owner’s Toolkit

It’s time to stop cowering in fear of negative reviews of your business that may lurk in the crevices of cyberspace. With consumers placing such emphasis on reading online reviews before making purchase decisions, entrepreneurs must address review sites head-on. They’re not going anywhere any time soon.

Monitor Review Sites that Matter

Initially, you’ll have to spend a decent amount of time perusing popular review websites (which we’ll list below in a minute). But instead of devoting time to searching these sites weekly for new updates, follow a systematic approach, such as: (more…)

Leveraging social media for your startup or small business

December 19, 2012

The powerful online tools now available for promoting your enterprise and creating awareness of your brand have become indispensable. 

Your website is the world’s window to your business. If you operate a local store or shop, by using social media, your customers and friends can keep in touch with you as your business progresses. If you intend to create an internet-based business, your visibility is largely through social media. Either way, if you’re not using social media to attract and bond with new customers and create brand awareness, you’re leaving money and the possible survival of your business on the table.

Blogs, press releases and white papers

…are useful for generating awareness and traffic. Once set up, non-technical people can easily communicate the latest information in their field and discuss new products or services. Become an expert and communicate your knowledge. Blog posts can take the form of white papers and press releases, drawings, photographs, opinions and gossip. Knowing your target market, adjust information/entertainment ratios accordingly. (more…)

3 ways to use email and social media together at the holidays… and year round

December 17, 2012

There’s a buzz in the air: the holidays are here. Undoubtedly, businesses are descending upon your inbox offering 20% off, then free shipping, then another generic offer that will be indistinguishable from all the rest. How does a business or organization separate itself from the herd at such a busy time of the year? And what lessons can you learn now that can be carried into 2012?

Integrate your communications channels — particularly email and social media — to reach customers, clients, and supporters. That can make the difference between a business or organization whose messages blend into the others, and one where its customers, clients, and supporters actively look forward to receiving and interacting with them. (more…)

Could Your Company Be More Pinteresting?

December 16, 2012

“I know I should be pinning, but I have no idea why and what!” the owner of a service business recently said to me. Many small businesses feel compelled to catch the Pinterest wave, but are struggling with what to do with this relative newcomer on the social media scene.

Pinterest, an online bulletin board comprised of shareable images and blurbs, now boasts close to 18 million users. It is the fastest-growing social media content sharing service in history, surpassing the fan-building speed of LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google+ combined.

The majority of early Pinterest adopters were female (68 percent). It found its first target market among brides, Midwestern moms, craft aficionados, and foodies. Like many social media sites, it is also being adopted by big brands and media companies like Whole Foods, Toyota, and Real Simple to engage its consumer communities through promotions, contests, and shared content. (more…)

Primary Functions of Your Website

December 10, 2012

Last month I covered the basics of building your social media marketing. The next step in building your foundation is to build a solid central focal point for the rest of your marketing activities to flow to, your website.


Primary Functions of Your Website

  • Target: Be found by search engines
  • Take: Captures a lead, converts them into a sale
  • Teach: Informs and educates


Do you know YOUR target market? (more…)