America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

2018 Client Showcase Countdown #7 – Ohio SBDC Client WaterStep Empowers Developing Countries By Providing Water Usage Training

February 6, 2018

WaterStepMeet WaterStep
( | @WaterStep |

WaterStep trains people in developing countries on how to use safe water solutions like water chlorination, bleach making, health education and well repair, empowering communities to take care of their own water needs for years. We believe that the best solutions to water problems are rooted in simple tools and effective training.

SBDC: Butler County, Ohio SBDC (
SBDC Advisor: David Riggs, CBA (more…)

2018 Client Showcase Countdown #8 – North Carolina SBTDC Client Kepley BioSystems Inc. Creates a Synthetic Bait Poised to Disrupt a $20 Billion Market

February 5, 2018

Kepley BioSystemsMeet Kepley BioSystems, Inc.
( | @organobait)

Kepley BioSystems, Inc. (KBI) is a North Carolina life-sciences company dedicated to disruptive innovation and global solutions. Developed with National Science Foundation (NSF) support, OrganoBait™ is the KBI patent-pending, synthetic bait poised to disrupt a $20 billion market and conserve billions of wild baitfish every year. KBI is also seeking to ranch and protect horseshoe crabs to sustainably produce the natural substance vital to ensuring global pharmaceutical, vaccine and medical device safety, and unmatched in detecting endotoxins. (more…)

2018 Client Showcase Countdown #9 – Iowa SBDC Client Gross-Wen Technologies Inc. Takes Wastewater Treatment to the Next Level

February 4, 2018

Meet Gross-Wen Technologies Inc. (

Gross-Wen TechnologiesGross-Wen Technologies uses its patent pending wastewater treatment technology, known as the revolving algal biofilm system (RAB), to cost-effectively address the new nutrient standards that are being enforced by municipalities nationwide. The system uses algae to recover nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater.

SBDC: America’s SBDC – Iowa (
SBDC Advisor: Lisa Shimkat (more…)

2018 Client Showcase Countdown #10 – Florida SBDC Client Dignitas Technologies Trains the Warfighter

February 3, 2018

Meet Dignitas Technologies ( | @DignitasTech)

Dignitas TechnologiesDignitas Technologies, LLC is a certified Woman Owned Small Business, developing software engineering applications to train the Warfighter. Dignitas provides advanced technology modeling and simulating of the equipment, environments and behaviors of opposing and friendly forces, ensuring our soldiers are equipped with immersive training prior to being deployed.

SBDC: FSBDC at the University of Central Florida (
SBDC Advisor: Jill Kaufman (more…)

2018 Client Showcase Countdown #11 – Colorado SBDC Client Alt Ethos Uses Experimental Design to Create Unforgettable Experiences

February 2, 2018

Meet Alt Ethos ( | @altethos)

Alt EthosAlt Ethos is an experiential design studio that creates engaging environments. They transform physical spaces into memorable experiences by melding creative technology with compelling stories. Alt Ethos helps organizations amplify brand awareness, meaningfully connect with loyal customers, and differentiate their products and services in competitive markets.

SBDC: Denver Metro SBDC (, Colorado
SBDC Advisory Team: Jim Olp, Wendy King, Dale Clack, Jennifer Kurtz, Dixie Malone, Dave Schohl, Jeff Sachs (more…)