America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

America’s #SBDC Client Showcase – BlueAtomVR

January 24, 2017
13 Days to the Congressional Showcase!

State and Region: California, Orange County/Indland Empire
SBDC: TriTech SBDC, UCI Institute for Innovation – The Cove
SBDC Advisor: Bill Waldo
SBDC Client: BlueAtomVR

BlueAtomVR teamBluAtom, Inc. has developed the next generation accessory for VR gaming, enterprise and military training applications, featuring the first immersive wireless body motion-tracking system. The BluAtomVR system, which comes equipped with a haptic vest and gun controller, can both detect and enhance the user’s movements for a more immersive and engaging VR gaming and training experience.

It effectively turns any player’s body into a game controller. BluAtomVR’s body-tracking vest and hand-motion gun controller create a much richer interaction than other VR gaming accessories currently available. The Wireless enabled system allows for complete freedom of a player’s movement. The lightweight vest is designed with both form and function in mind, boasting a sleek aesthetic made from lightweight, breathable materials. The BluAtom VR system is fully compatible with the HTC VIVE™. (more…)

America’s #SBDC Client Showcase – SpiderSense

January 23, 2017
14 Days to the Congressional Showcase!

State: Illinois
SBDC: Illinois SBDC at Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce
SBDC Advisor: Florence Hardy
SBDC Client: SpiderSense

SpiderSense is a haptic wearable jacket for the blind and the visually impaired that enables the user to navigate safely around objects and enjoy the outdoors.

SpiderSense“The SBDC’s help is very crucial to our success. Our background is in engineering, so we need help with the marketing and business side of things. We are frequently meeting with Florence and getting advice and guidance on various topics — from how to interact with investors to business planning and pitch deck editing. What we love about Florence is that she provides actionable answers to our questions. Sometimes it is templates that we can use, other times sample material (like business plans), and other times people that she connects us with. She really knows Chicago’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and wants to help as much as possible.” — Victor Mateevitsi, CEO, SpiderSense

Read more about SpiderSense here and here. Follow SpiderSense on Twitter @SpiderSenseSuit and @mvictoras.


The America’s SBDC 2017 Client Showcase Reception will be at 5:30 pm on Monday, February 6, 2017, at the Rayburn House Office Building. Invite your Members of Congress now!

For more information about America’s SBDC or to find an SBDC near you, go to

Web Design Trends for 2017

January 17, 2017
By Adam Wozney
Community Manager @ Wix

The first website launched in December of 1990. Remember 1990? Paula Abdul had a number one hit with “Opposites Attract,” the number one movie in America was “Home Alone,” and you may have owned a pair of parachute pants just like your idol MC Hammer. Over the last quarter century, styles and tastes have come and gone. Just like fashion and culture, web design trends constantly change. Keeping up with all of these trends can be difficult for a small business owner. But why even bother paying attention to web design trends? How does web design increase your bottom line? Well, you’re not still wearing parachute pants, are you?

At Wix, we would argue that web design is one of the most important factors of a business’s marketing strategy. Why? Designing an intuitive and engaging experience for your customers increases your customer lifetime value (CLTV). This is a prediction of the net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer. At the end of the day, a happy customer will lead to more sales and leads. (more…)

eCommerce Trends to Watch in 2017

January 9, 2017
By Angeley Mullins

eCommerce trends - AmazonReady for your eCommerce business to start off 2017 with a bang? The online world is constantly changing, so now that you’ve staked a claim on the internet, you’ll need to do whatever you can to keep the momentum going. To ensure your business stays on track, here are some foreseeable trends you can use to your benefit in 2017.

Omni-channel sales

In addition to laptops and desktops, many consumers own mobile devices. A shopping experience at the home office could easily transition to a purchase later from a mobile device. Across the board, companies are taking their products to the streets so consumers can enjoy anything — from anywhere.

Take Amazon or Netflix, for example. The ability to watch videos on multiple devices is a huge plus for customers. Big fan of House of Cards? Take that show with you on your daily commute!

Ease of access always wins out in today’s day and age. The same can be said for online businesses. Your customers’ eCommerce experience needs to be fluid across multiple devices in order to accommodate the transient nature of their shopping tendencies. If you’re looking to get online, or you’re already active but need ways to expand, make sure your website is optimized for desktops and mobile devices alike.

Pro tip: Create a seamless customer experience by using an omni-channel sales approach.

Content is still king

You’ve probably heard it before, but good content is king. Content helps you define your business and attract new customers. When people search for your company or industry online, they want the facts — and they want them delivered in a way that makes sense.  (more…)