America’s SBDC Blog

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Infographic: How to Buy and Sell a Business, Grow Big and Cash Out

February 24, 2020
By Bob House, BizBuySell –

This handy infographic illustrates, step-by-step, how to buy an existing business and be your own boss. But it doesn’t stop there! Next, turn it into a valuable asset, attract buyers and sell it for a healthy price. Done right, buying a business is a journey to financial independence.

According to the BizBuySell Insight Report, businesses continue to change hands at a steady pace. Retiring Baby Boomers are fueling the market with an ongoing supply of strong performing businesses. At the same time, demand remains strong, with more qualified buyers and better financing options.

To get started in your journey of buying or selling a business visit the BizBuySell Learning Center or download our free Guide to Buying a Small Business or Guide to Selling Your Small Business. (more…)

Three Ways to Make Networking Events More Successful

February 18, 2020
By Ramon Ray –

People networkingYou know that attending networking events is important for the growth of your business, but are you getting the most out of them?

Many entrepreneurs go armed with a bunch of business cards and a goal of getting them into the hands of as many people as possible. That strategy doesn’t work.

If you’re not sure how to make your networking events more productive and useful, here are three surefire ways:

1. Make a Goal

A networking event is a business meeting, right? And you wouldn’t go into a business meeting without a goal in mind. For a typical business meeting, your goal might be to close a sale. Except networking is a different kind of business meeting. It’s not about making sales. Think about it. Have you ever wanted to buy something from someone the first time you met them? Unlikely. You may have heard of the Marketing Rule of 7. It states that, on average, a potential buyer needs seven interactions with your brand before making a purchase. (more…)

America’s #SBDC Showcases Clients in the Nation’s Capital

February 14, 2020

America’s Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs), SBDC leaders, advisors, clients, partners and stakeholders gathered on Capitol Hill for the sixth annual Client Showcase and Reception on Tuesday, February 11th. Representative Steve Chabot of Ohio, Ranking Member of the Committee on Small Business, addressed the reception guests. Several of his colleagues also visited the reception, in which America’s SBDC Network showcased 10 SBDC clients from across the country.

The SBDC clients are:

• Inergy Solar, Idaho SBDC Network
• Sun Buckets, Illinois SBDC Network
• Hotel Tango Distillery, Indiana SBDC Network
• EMP Shield, Kansas SBDC Network
• Oceans 97, Louisiana SBDC Network
• Atlas Space Operations Inc., Michigan SBDC Network
• Geopipe, New York SBDC Network
• Earthquaker Devices, Ohio SBDC Network
• Red Hawk Construction Inc., Oklahoma SBDC Network
• Woom Bicycles, Texas, South-West Texas Border SBDC Network (more…)

Woom Bikes USA – #SBDC Client Showcase

February 11, 2020

woom bikes USA

Woom Bikes USA ( | @woombikesUSA))
Countdown to the 2020 Client Showcase: #1

SBDC: South-West Texas Border SBDC Network
SBDC Advisor: Rex Steele

Woom designs high-quality, lightweight bikes for children of all ages. Built with meticulous attention to detail, our bikes are tailor-made for a child’s anatomy and needs. Models range in size from balance bikes designed for the smallest of riders to pedal bikes for young teens. Woom bikes, often half the weight of kids bikes found at traditional retail stores, make riding easy to learn and easy to enjoy. Woom’s aim is to inspire as many children as possible to love riding their bikes. (more…)

Redhawk Construction – #SBDC Client Showcase

February 10, 2020
Redhawk Construction (
Countdown to the 2020 Client Showcase: #2

SBDC: Oklahoma SBDC Tech Launch Center
SBDC Advisor: Barbara Bonner

Kathy Martin, Redhawk Construction
Kathy Martin, President, Redhawk Construction, Inc.

Redhawk Construction Inc, is a Native, Woman-Owned small business that provides construction solutions to a wide range of clients. One such solution is the Nomad Security Fence System, a relocatable perimeter security product that is currently being used by US Customs and Border Patrol to protect high value assets.

“Our very first experience with the Oklahoma SBDC led to a tremendous amount of exposure for our company and the Nomad Security Fence System. The SBDC staff introduced us to and helped us navigate the Department of Defense market that we had been trying to reach unsuccessfully on our own. Much of our success is a direct result of the Oklahoma SBDC and their staff.” – Erick Westfahl, Vice President, Redhawk Construction, Inc. (more…)