America’s SBDC Blog

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Eclectic Store Expands Online During Covid-19 Shutdown

August 4, 2020
Success Story: Georgia. By Aaron Cox –

Cottle & GunnCottle & Gunn in St. Marys, Georgia, closed its doors in April when the state’s shelter-in-place directives took effect. But the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t stop owner Deborah Cottle from doubling — then tripling — her sales from the previous spring, thanks to a creative outlook, a new online store, and some help from the University of Georgia’s Small Business Development Center.

Located just blocks away from the Florida state line to the south and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, St. Marys is home to about 17,000 people. Cottle & Gunn sits in the middle of the coastal town’s historic district — a fitting location for an eclectic store specializing in reclaimed vintage furniture, housewares, local crafts and more.

While the store itself is small, its online presence is anything but. Since opening her doors in 2014, Cottle has built an online following that nearly matches the size of the town — with more than 15,000 combined followers on Facebook and Instagram.

So, when the pandemic hit and businesses began closing their doors, Cottle tapped into that social media network — and her longstanding relationship with the SBDC — to keep her sales going. (more…)

Vytal Health: Transformative Care

July 28, 2020
Vytal HealthSuccess Story: Wisconsin –

Dr. Tiffany Mullen co-founded Vytal Health with Dr. Alex Yampolsky in July of 2018, and their focus on personalized, affordable care has only grown stronger since then. Vytal Health is a telemedicine company that provides continuous, long-term relationships with patients via digital channels. The two doctors were inspired to start the business because people were searching for answers to health problems and not finding them in traditional avenues.


As new business owners, Dr. Mullen and Dr. Yampolsky had to create and refine their working relationship, make a few mistakes and find funding along the way. Dr. Mullen turned to the UW-Milwaukee Small Business Development Center (SBDC) after being referred by a friend who was also an SBDC client. Seeking a female mentor and sound business advice, Dr. Mullen found Cheryl Mitchell, a consultant at the SBDC. Share on X (more…)

FAQs about COVID-Related Employment Law Compliance

July 21, 2020
By ComplyRight –

Across the country, small businesses are grappling with numerous operational and employee management challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether you’ve remained in business during the crisis — or are just now initiating your return-to-work plans — you must balance new federal, state and local legal requirements against your typical business practices. It takes keen awareness and action to protect yourself from legal risks during the crisis, while also keeping your employees safe from the virus.

Here is some guidance on how to interpret and handle the biggest employee management issues arising today:

Q: What should we communicate to employees about the COVID-19 virus?

A: This depends on your business, as well as what is happening with the virus in your area (which changes day by day). In general, you should communicate the measures you are taking internally to help limit the spread of disease, changes to scheduling or hours of operation, whether remote work will be permitted (and the rules around working remotely), and any travel restrictions. You also need to discourage employees from coming to work if they have been exposed to the virus or exhibit any symptoms of the virus, in addition to addressing how the company will handle absences relating to the pandemic crisis. (more…)

Clinic Owners Use Covid-19 Crisis as Opportunity for Introspection

July 14, 2020
Keene PerspectivesSuccess Story: Vermont. By Amanda Kuhnert –

“We’ve tried to make the best of this extremely stressful time by focusing on the things we can control and imagining how to improve our business when we eventually reopen,” said Cortney Keene, co-owner of Keene Perspectives in White River Junction, a behavioral health center for children with autism and other developmental disorders.

At the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak, Cortney and her husband Chris implemented procedures at the clinic to help limit the spread of the virus, from restricting the number of visitors to increasing cleaning. But when schools were ordered to close, they decided to temporarily pause operations. They contacted Vermont Small Business Development Center (VtSBDC) advisor Ross Hart for advice, and began researching federal and state assistance programs. (more…)

The Ins and Outs of Customer Acquisition for Small Businesses

July 7, 2020
By Jessica Bennett, Salesforce –

Salesforce logoWhy are small businesses so good at what they do? It’s because they are amazing at customer retention. Small businesses know their customers by name. They greet them and are able to personalize their orders. However, small businesses cannot be dependent simply on returning customers. They need to grow their customer base continuously — yet they might not completely understand how to do that, or they may not have the resources to do it.

That’s why small businesses need to understand how to acquire customers in an efficient, effective manner. And the very first step is to begin measuring acquisition. Unfortunately, only about five in ten companies track their customer acquisition, and fewer than that monitor lifetime value. To achieve growth and transition from a startup to a sustainable small business takes an understanding of customer relationship management, sales, marketing, and customer service.

Build New Customers
