America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Answers from Your Event Attendees

October 3, 2012

Feedback is one of the most important aspects of any event—be it a sale, a wine tasting, an open house, a conference, or another gathering– because it can tell you if all your efforts were worth it from your attendees’ perspective. Staying on top of what those people are saying before, during, and after your event will ensure that your future gatherings will help you continue your momentum. The good news is that social media makes it easier than ever to have a feel for what your attendees are saying

Following are 7 ways you can gather feedback, before your next event, while your event is still taking place and after it’s all over.

Pre- Event

· Conduct a Pre-Poll: Find out what your attendees are expecting from your event. This helps you plan accordingly and gauge how well you’ve done at meeting those expectations. (more…)

Farming Can Ease Return to Civilian Life

October 1, 2012

When many people think of the term “small business,” quaint shops or down-home restaurants often come to mind. But small farms offer growing (pardon the pun) business opportunities, particularly for entrepreneurial veterans.

And the timing couldn’t be better. Interest in sustainable, organic farming and locally sourced food products has found a new home with Millennials who embrace these trends—and have the money to support them.

Farming can provide veterans multiple advantages. The nature of farm life itself can be a strong draw, offering the opportunity to be your own boss and to see tangible results from your work. Organizations working with veterans note that the decision-making skills and discipline of military life translate well to running a successful farming operation. (more…)

Should Your Business Use Mobile Ads?

September 27, 2012

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’re not sure whether mobile ads are worth the investment. While it seems like everybody and their grandmothers can’t add two plus two without the assistance of a smartphone these days, mobile ads have a mixed history.

Before you consider launching a mobile advertising campaign, obtain a solid grasp on what mobile ads are, their unique advantages and if the benefits outweigh the costs.

What Makes Mobile Ads Different

Mobile ads generally come in the same varieties as traditional online ads: some are graphical and some are text-based. Because most mobile ads appear in apps and mobile searches (especially map searches), the amount of text and graphics available for mobile ads is very limited. And mobile advertising platforms offer far fewer ad placements than their desktop platform counterparts. (more…)

6 Truths You Must Know To Create Almost Perfect Subject Lines

September 26, 2012

It happens all the time: You’ve written the content for your newsletter. You have all the articles perfectly squared away and laid out. Then you’re faced with the task of writing a compelling subject line so irresistible that readers can’t help but open and read your email.

I wish I could tell you that somewhere out there is the perfect subject line, one that could send your open-rates skyrocketing and make opt-outs and spam reports ancient history, but I can’t.

I can tell you, however, that creating almost perfect subject lines is possible and it starts with understanding six simple truths about your readers: (more…)

Do You Have A Buy And Sell Agreement With Your Business Partner?

September 24, 2012

Many businesses that are owned and managed by multiple partners or family members do not have a plan in place should certain triggering events occur such as death or divorce. It is important to have a contingency plan to ensure a smooth transition at little or no expense to the existing owners.

What is a buy and sell agreement?

Think of it similar to a Will, but for a business. Essentially, it is a binding agreement between the owners or principals of the business (no matter the entity type) that determines what will happen in the event that a partner passes way, is held up in a divorce, files for bankruptcy or leaves the firm.

Many buy and sell agreements contain an insurance component which guarantees that in the event a partner is no longer with us, the other partner(s) will have the cash value to purchase the other share of the business. The clauses in the buy and sell agreements will dictate the outcome. This is why it is particularly important for all parties involved to pay close attention to every detail in the agreement. (more…)