America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

4 Easy Tips for Mobile-Friendly Emails

May 22, 2013

Smartphone usage is sky-rocketing, and with it, so is the number of people that are reading email on a mobile device. According to Litmus, 43% of email is now opened on a mobile device. That number is up 138% from 2010. This means that your email marketing need to be mobile friendly, so that it displays optimally between a desktop/laptop and a mobile device, and looks great regardless of where your customers and prospects read it.

The good news is that there are some really simple things you can do now to ensure that your emails are mobile-friendly:

1. Be as concise, and have a clear call to action

Make sure to include a clear call to action, and put it near the top of your email, Tell your readers what you want them to do, and make it really easy for them to do so. Your messdage should be clear and concise message — a staple of any email, but it’s even more important when designing for mobile. Screen real estate is very valuable on mobile so keep the design very clean and simple and focus on the essentials. (more…)

Gift Card Consumers Love Gift Cards… Should You?

May 21, 2013

Gift cards continue to grow in popularity, with huge potential for merchants who understand how to promote and manage strong gift card programs.

Consider the following…

– Over $27.8 billion was spent by consumers last year on gift cards during the holiday season alone2.

– Over 93% of consumers purchase or receive gift cards every year1.

– Over 71% of consumers report spending more than the value of their gift cards.

– And 31% of gift card recipients say they are more likely to buy a full-price item than an item on sale3. (more…)

Make Your Events Memorable, From Start to Finish

May 15, 2013

What was the best event you’ve ever been to? Was it a dinner party? A fundraiser? An industry conference? A sporting event? Think about the experience you had at that event. What made it so memorable? Why was it so unique?

Just like any event you attend in your personal life, the events you decide to host for your business or organization will be defined by the type of experience you offer to those who attend.

That experience will have a lot to do with the type of event you hold and the expectations your customers, members, and supporters have going into it, but it is that experience that they will remember the most.

Are you offering the type of experience your customers, members, and supporters will want to remember? (more…)

Should I Worry About Signing A Contract With A Non-Compete Clause?

May 8, 2013

Whether you’re an employee of a company or a business owner finalizing a partnership deal with another company, the non-compete clause is often included in the final contract. Should you be very worried and hesitant in signing a contract with a non-complete clause in it?

The non-compete clause

The textbook definition of a non-compete clause is that it is a form of restrictive covenant that adds limitations to the employment or sale contract. These agreements protect the business by restricting the other party from performing similar work for a specific period of time within a certain geographical area. It’s important to note that the courts do not always uphold them. In fact, the courts evaluate non-compete clause for their reasonableness to determine whether they constitute an unfair restraint on trade. (more…)

How Much Should Business Owners Take As A Salary?

May 8, 2013

Business owners are compensated with equity in the company, but they still need a salary to live on. Setting a salary can be tricky as you’ll want to be compensated for your work, while also not taking away from the future growth of the company. How should you set your salary?

Setting your salary

There are a few different ways to determine the appropriate salary for the business owner. The first and most important method is based on company specific financials. If you’re boot-strapping your business, then you’ll need to determine how much net income is available or cash on the balance sheet. Then, you’ll need to identify the amount of your personal monthly expenses. If the cash flow on your balance sheet and expected monthly cash flow exceed your monthly personal expenses, then you can at least pay yourself some sort of a salary. Still, how much should you be paid in salary? (more…)