America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

It’s Time To Put Your Business On The Map

April 6, 2015
By Whitney Lemon

Google-On_The_Map-logoOver the past four years, thanks to the support of partners like America’s SBDC, the Get Your Business Online program has helped 325,000 businesses get a website.

This year, with a new program, “Let’s Put Our Cities on the Map,” we’re helping local businesses in every city update their information where customers are searching for them most – on Google Search and Maps.

Being on the map matters. Research shows that businesses with complete online business listings are 2x as likely to be considered ‘reputable. ’ 1 Yet, only 37 percent of businesses have claimed their listing on a search engine.2 Let’s Put Our Cities on the Map helps businesses reach local customers by updating their info on Google Search and Maps at no charge.  (more…)

How Could 64% Of Businesses Neglect This One Valuable Asset?!

April 2, 2015
By Mary Juetten

TraklightIf you’ve just opened a new business, this question perhaps hasn’t crossed your mind yet: Is IP part of your business’s foundation? In order to answer, you might wish to understand your intellectual property (IP) and how it factors into making any money. But before you do that, statistics tell us you probably aren’t paying enough attention to how important your IP is. Some small businesses do not fully comprehend the importance of what IP does for them and that is the crucial mistake they are making.

These statistics come from Small Business Trends presenting information gathered over the last four years. They point out that out of all major IP categories, most of them haven’t been protected enough through companies with less than 500 employees. Please keep in mind these were companies that deal with research and development where IP would be of central importance.

In the report from the National Science Foundation, we see concern toward smaller companies in how much financial potential they’re losing out on not paying attention to their IP. Some of the categories not being explored range from patents to trade secrets, with the latter being one of the most important (and unprotected or abused) areas of IP.  (more…)

Shatto Milk

March 30, 2015
Shatto Milk TruckSuccess Story: Missouri

Missouri, University of Central Missouri SBTDC
Darrell Brammer, SBTDC Counselor and Center Director
Shatto Milk Company, SBTDC client since 2013

“Darrell [our SBTDC counselor] is a real go-getter. He does everything he can to help us.” — Leroy Shatto, owner of Shatto Milk Co.

Impact of working with SBTDC: Increased sales of nearly $1 million; also helped secure a $250,000 USDA Rural Development grant for a manure digester. (Four hundred cows produce more than just milk.) Shatto wins prizes for its very high quality milk products nearly annually , including 1st at the World Dairy Exposition for root beer-flavored milk.

Read the whole story, and learn more about the Missouri SBTDC and the Shatto Milk Company.

Modern Technology Debunks Small Business Myths

March 26, 2015
By Cindy Bates

Modern TechnologyTrue or False? Upgrading to new technology is costly and takes too much time. Only big companies need to invest in data security protection. Employees are most productive only when working in the office. You may hold these misconceptions, or business myths, as truths. I want to encourage you to reconsider and not let them hold your small business back.

We recently partnered with small business expert, celebrated author, and technology evangelist Ramon Ray on a video series to bust these business myths and show how modern technology can improve productivity.  (more…)

Getting Started With SEO: 3 Easy Ways to Increase Your Rankings Online

March 23, 2015
By Maxym Martineau

SEO for StartersEveryone wants to show up on the first page of the search engines. Top of mind is important – and while it’s not reasonable to promise that your business will skyrocket to the first spot on the list, there are a few important steps you can take to improve your search engine ranking.

Find the right words

Search engines like websites that are dynamic, which means your content needs to be rich in keywords so your pages are more appealing. On-page SEO (search engine optimization) is vital to increasing your ranking. First, do your research and find keywords that are relative to your business – use phrases or words that people commonly search for when shopping in your industry. Then, build your content around those words so they fit naturally and seamlessly into the text of your website.

A good way to start is to spend a few minutes writing down words that relate to your business. Imagine any phrase or word a potential visitor might use when browsing a search engine. Once you’ve done that, stop by Google’s free Keyword Planner. This is an awesome tool that tracks whether or not people are actually searching for the words and phrases you’ve created. The tool itself is initially part of Google AdWords, but feel free to use it to boost your on-page SEO.  (more…)