America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Four Ways to Help Your Client Expand Their Business

May 9, 2012

Today’s economy presents some unique opportunities for business expansion for those who have a unique set of circumstances. Help your clients act now to expand their business and help position them for success. 

By Mike Handelsman, Group General Manager, and

Growing a business is a constant challenge, and today’s economic climate is likely making things more challenging. However, by helping clients to explore expansion options uniquely available during an economic downturn, they may be able to take their business, and business performance, to new heights.

Here are a few fresh ideas, uniquely suited to current market conditions, which might stimulate some new thinking on how to expand a business. (more…)

Book Review: Found It – A Field Guide For Mom Entrepreneurs (Great Book For Every Newbie Biz Owner)

May 7, 2012

I remember staring my first business, “Family Computer Consulting Services,” over 12 years ago. I had no clue what I was doing and just grew my business, helping clients, by the seat of my pants. I did have Inc Magazine, which helped give me insight on how other businesses were growing and the challenges they faced, but that’s about it. I dissolved the business (it was profitable!) and morphed into

I wish I’d had Jill Salzman’s book, “Found It. A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs.”

Her easy to read book, with cute imagery, is focused on moms and their entrepreneurial journey but (shh) it’s really a great field guide for a dad or anyone starting their business.

The book is chock full of short, to the point and very useful information, in fact 51 tips, including a resource section. (more…)

Protecting Your Online Reputation

May 4, 2012

How many times have you heard someone on the radio or TV offering to protect your online reputation from malicious or fraudulent reviews? Believe it or not, with a little work, you can protect your own online reputation and keep your cash!

First, understand what we mean by your online reputation. Basically, whenever we talk about a business getting damaged by an online slight, it can be traced to a consumer-based review. Many sites exist that allow anyone to leave a review of any business. Unfortunately, these review sites are not policed or edited, creating opportunities for mischief, pranks, and outright lies.

It happened to me. One of my less ethical competitors wrote a false, scathing review about my company. I figured out it was him because he gave one-star reviews to all of the web design companies except his own (which earned 5 stars). Oh, and he used his real name when he made the review. (more…)

Taxes & Tariffs

May 2, 2012

Duties and taxes are fees imposed on goods shipped from one country to another. It’s the responsibility of the shipper to calculate them and for the buyer to pay them. This video introduces you to online tools for calculating these fees for more than 100 different countries. For more information, please visit our website:

The Census Bureau serves as the leading source of quality data about the nation’s people and economy. We honor privacy, protect confidentiality, share our expertise globally, and conduct our work openly. We are guided on this mission by our strong and capable workforce, our readiness to innovate, and our abiding commitment to our customers.

Taking the Leap into Mobile Payments

April 30, 2012

You may think accepting electronic payments at your small business gives consumers plenty of payment options. And, until very recently, accepting debit cards, credit cards and good old-fashioned cash did meet the vast majority of consumers’ payment needs. But the times, they are a-changing.

While still a relatively small segment of the market, mobile payment – payments made using smartphone – is making serious headway. How serious? Consider this: In less than a year after Starbucks launched a mobile app complete with a payment option, the company reported more than 26 million mobile payments.

Smartphone use is on the rise and is playing a larger role in where people spend—especially in urban areas where users rely on apps like Yelp to read reviews of local hotspots before taking a gamble on a new businesses. Bumping up “accepting mobile payments” on your to-do list may be a wise move. (more…)