America’s SBDC Blog

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Three Tips for 2013 Bookkeeping

December 14, 2012
By BizFilings Business Owner’s Toolkit

Marketing plans and strategies, sales tactics, office policies—now is the time of year to revise nearly everything for the New Year. Except for bookkeeping, the oft-neglected business necessity that so many other functions ultimately depend upon.

The fact is relatively few small business owners have such sound bookkeeping systems that they shouldn’t revisit them. Improving bookkeeping methods is important not just for tax implications, but as a way to better record finances that, in turn, can be used for better reports.

Making your 2013 bookkeeping a planning priority won’t take too much time or effort. While these tips only scratch the surface—and assume, for the most part, that your bookkeeping is in relatively good order—they can help your business remain compliant and have more insight into your financial health. (more…)

The Commerce Control List and Self-Classification

December 10, 2012

Where do I find the Commerce Control list?; Do I need a license to export my good?; How to Reference the ECCN; Designation of EAR99; Source: Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)

The Census Bureau serves as the leading source of quality data about the nation’s people and economy. We honor privacy, protect confidentiality, share our expertise globally, and conduct our work openly. We are guided on this mission by our strong and capable workforce, our readiness to innovate, and our abiding commitment to our customers.

Primary Functions of Your Website

December 10, 2012

Last month I covered the basics of building your social media marketing. The next step in building your foundation is to build a solid central focal point for the rest of your marketing activities to flow to, your website.


Primary Functions of Your Website

  • Target: Be found by search engines
  • Take: Captures a lead, converts them into a sale
  • Teach: Informs and educates


Do you know YOUR target market? (more…)

How to Make Sure Your Deal Has Perfect Timing

December 7, 2012

One of the biggest perks of running daily deals is being in control, and deciding when you want to run them. Whether it’s once a year, once a month, or even once a week–you get to the make the final decision on what works best for you business. How do you know when the timing is right?

The right timing for your local deal will really be based on what you’re looking to accomplish. Maybe you want to make the most of your busy season, fill up the store when things are slow, or show some customer appreciation. Here are some of the best times to run local deals:

When you’re at your busiest

It may seem counter intuitive, but one of the best times to run a local deal is when your business is at its busiest. Whether it’s a certain day, weekend, or even an entire month–times when your business is already seeing heavy traffic are perfect for running a local deal. (more…)

Losing Yourself to Your Business

December 6, 2012

Most of us start businesses because we want to be happier. We’re certain that when we are our own boss, we’ll finally have the creative freedom, autonomy, challenge, and meaning that we’ve been craving. We imagine our future selves working on our own terms, for something that we believe in (or at the very least are excited about). We dream about how this new professional reality will improve our personal lives, too — we’ll have the time and flexibility to exercise, to eat right, and to see our kids, friends, and spouses.

But the truth is, it’s astonishingly easy to be unsatisfied as an entrepreneur. Despite our best intentions, we endure a lot of stress, we get burned out, and most importantly, we stop having fun. We question our ventures and ourselves, and we may sometimes begin to think that entrepreneurship isn’t all it’s made out to be.

And this is where many of us give up trying. We don’t throw in the towel — we settle. We tell ourselves that we’d still be less happy working for someone else, and that this is as good as it’s going to get. (more…)