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A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Cloud Productivity

July 2, 2014

Have you ever had one of those days when life just decided to come crashing down all at once? You know, one of those days when the alarm clock died (or maybe you just hit the snooze button one too many times), there was absolutely NO food in the fridge, your kids got up early and decorated your briefcase with flower stickers (in an attempt to make it pretty, of course), the dog tracked mud in from the backyard, and when you finally made it out to your car, you discovered you’re out of gas? So much for getting to work on time.

When life decides it’s time for a hectic day, it’s easy to forget some of the most important things — like that PowerPoint® presentation that lays out the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The presentation you’ve been tirelessly working on so you can impress your boss at today’s meeting. The presentation that is currently saved on your home computer.

So, what do you do?

You can’t turn around and go back to the war zone that is currently your house — after all, it’s likely that your creative kids decided to decorate the handouts that were supposed to accompany that presentation, and while unicorns and Dora the Explorer stickers make them giggle, your boss might have a different reaction. How are you going to save what’s turned into a rather cloudy day?  (more…)

How to Handle Negative Online Comments

July 1, 2014

Even if your business has never been vilified online, you likely know someone who has that can testify to how detrimental negative comments can be. Whether or not the complaints are valid, they’re now on the record for all to see.

When faced with this situation, you have three options. One is to ignore it and hope it goes away. It won’t.

The second option is to respond online by calling out the customer as irrational. Before you do that, know that caustic comments reflect more on the sender than the receiver and there’s really no delete button in cyberspace.

Your third choice, and the one that’s best for your business, is to publicly acknowledge and address the situation immediately. How you go about resolving the issue will make all the difference when it comes to maintaining your reputation and increasing customer loyalty.

Here’s a three-step process to solving the problem.  (more…)

Top Tips for Running Successful Events

June 23, 2014

Events are a great way to deepen relationships with current customers and can help you attract new ones. When done right, events are also one of the best ways to get people to take the next step, from interacting with you on Facebook or reading your newsletters, to actually visiting your store, restaurant, or office. But successful events don’t just happen. To create a successful event, you need to develop a strategy that incorporates your different marketing channels so that you can promote your event, reach the right audience, and drive meaningful business results. Following are some “top tips” to help you run a successful event

Have a clear goal.
Think about what you want to get out of your event and, just as importantly, what you hope your attendees will get out of it by being there. For example, the goal of a retail store’s open house may be to increase foot traffic to the location. But what does the customer get out of it? Make sure to offer them an incentive to come, such as discounts, door prizes, or giveaways — in addition to the affordable merchandise, exclusive information, or other “just for attendees” benefits, of course.

Send a personalized invitation.
It’s a good feeling when you’re invited to a “special event.” Take the proactive approach in attracting potential attendees by sending them a personal email invitation. Make your customers feel wanted by sending them a finely crafted message that refers to them by name. Mary  Smith will feel more of a personal connection from a “Dear Mary” invite than a “Dear” or a generic “Hi there” salutation.  (more…)

Success Story: Indiana

June 18, 2014

Erin Schroeder owns Schroeder Dental, Inc., located in Floyds Knobs, Indiana. Dr. Schroeder offers a wide variety of dental services. Some of the services offered include fillings, cleanings, exams, crowns, bridges, whitening, implant crowns, dentures, partial dentures, etc. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Dr. Schroeder was busy with schoolwork. She earned her Bachelor’s of Science in Biology and Associate of Arts and Chemistry from Indiana University Southeast. After four years of dental school, she received her Doctor of Dental Medicine from the University of Louisville.

Dr. Schroeder has had the dream of becoming a dentist since she was only 12 years old. She has always wanted her career to be one that helps people and promotes better oral health. To this day, her mission at Schroeder Dental is to provide excellent dental care to patients. It is important to her that her business enacts ethical procedures and follows guidelines.

Dr. Schroeder enjoys so much about her business, and the part she enjoys the most is helping people learn the importance of oral health. She also loves seeing patients’ happy, smiling faces after treatments. Working with dental insurance companies is Dr. Schroeder’s least favorite aspect of running her business. She says it is a long and sometimes challenging process to learn everything she needs to know about working with each company. (more…)

Webmaster Tools 101

June 17, 2014

There are many different factors that determine which websites appear in Google’s search results. The first step, however, is making sure Google knows your site exists and is able to correctly interpret the information on your web pages.

To help with those first steps, meet Webmaster Tools, a free tool to help you understand more about your website’s position on search results pages. The information you can learn in Webmaster Tools can help you develop a strategy  to improve your chances of appearing, appearing higher, and appearing more often in searches.

Read on to learn more from our 3-part series on Webmaster Tools.

♦ Lesson Highlight: Use free Webmaster Tools for a search-friendly site

Webmaster Tools can help you understand how Google “sees” your website. Once the tool is connected to your site, you can access free reports, and learn answers to important questions like:  (more…)