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Take Virtual Team Collaboration to the Next Level with These Digital Workspaces

June 21, 2022

By: Steph Davidson

Digital transformation is a term many of us are familiar with these days, and the reason ‌is clear. As remote and hybrid workforces continue to hold a grip on the corporate world, integrative digital systems have become crucial for efficient communication and collaboration between multiple parties.

Technology options have expanded hugely since 2020, increasing our reliance on digital workspaces.

These powerful virtual work environments allow people to organize, store, edit, share, automate and optimize data, amplifying productivity and promoting better time management. No matter what kind of business you’re in, digital workspaces have become a modern zeitgeist for virtual team collaboration.

In fact, 72% of US companies report having a well-established digital workplace strategy as of 2022.

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4 Red Flags to Look Out For in a Lender

June 14, 2022

By: Matthew Gillman, SMB Compass Founder

When in need of financing, many small business owners would prefer to apply for loans from traditional lenders such as banks or credit unions. However, getting loan approvals from banks can be challenging, particularly for small companies. They are often not considered due to their lack of financial history or low credit scores.

If you need to access capital as soon as possible, your best option is to borrow from alternative lenders. But you have to remember that not all lenders have the same credentials, and not many of them are legitimate.

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11 Essential Digital Marketing Tips For Small Businesses In 2022

May 24, 2022

By: Jamie Cohen

If you’ve started a small business, you’ve likely experienced the highs and lows of being an entrepreneur. Of course, there are many stressful aspects, including choosing a business structure, taxes, insurance, and countless others.

One of the most challenging tasks is figuring out how to generate demand for your product or service. However, if you have a sound plan, it can be one of the most rewarding parts of running your business. In addition, your business will find the most cost-effective marketing strategies through digital marketing.

If you’re not familiar with online marketing, you’re in luck. In 2022, it’s never been easier to learn and implement the same game plan that industry professionals are using to generate new business growth. This article will review 11 essential digital marketing tips that your business can start using immediately. These tips will help you build a firm foundation for your digital marketing business strategy.

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Business Grants: 9 Places to Find and Get Free Money

May 18, 2022

By: Sharita M. Humphrey

A business grant is a certain amount of money you can obtain to help with your business, similar to a loan with the key difference being that you don’t have to pay anything back. Business grants are hard to obtain since they target specific business types and specific industries like technology and medical industries.

You also need to follow the rules on how to spend the money you obtain which you’ll know when you receive a grant from an organization.

But you shouldn’t get disheartened by these facts, as there are always ways to get a grant for your business. 

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How Your Business Type May Affect Your Loan Application

May 17, 2022

By: Matthew Gillman, SMB Compass Founder

Small business owners don’t always get approved for financing for various reasons. Some companies may have an easier time getting approved than others, even though they all met the minimum loan application requirements.

If you’ve recently been denied a loan, one of the factors affecting your lender’s decision is your business type. This article will explore how this affected your loan application, which types of businesses are risky for lenders, and what you can do to secure funding.

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