America’s SBDC Blog

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Army Veteran’s Business Battles Bullying

October 23, 2015
UTSA-Success-Success-Army-Vet-Battles-BullyingSuccess Story: Texas

“The (UTSA SBDC) staff are experts in leveraging business acumen and providing resources, advice and access to avenues that help small-business owners start and grow their business. I highly recommend them to any veteran starting their own business.” – Tim Porter, Founder & CEO, Appddiction Studio

Tim Porter planned on a long career in the military, quickly moving up the Army ranks for nearly 10 years. But one instant changed everything. Stationed at Camp Casey in South Korea in 1998, a bomb exploded in Porter’s hands during a training exercise.

Over the next 15 years, Porter would enter the information technology field and climb the ladder much like he had in the military. With the help of friends, reading books and watching tutorials, he taught himself how to develop apps. (more…)