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Big financial mistakes and how to avoid them

April 23, 2024

By Barbara Nuss, CPA
Profit Soup

What must you get right to be financially successful? At Profit Soup, we LOVE numbers. You probably expect us to say something like this:

“To avoid financial problems, study your numbers.”

Academically, it’s a sound approach. Realistically, you cannot build a profitable, sustainable enterprise without a skilled and passionate team living out a selling culture with efficient operations.

Financial statements and KPIs represent the voice of your business, giving you feedback on how well the team is managing the important business functions. Having a sound, regular financial review routine is an important function of a profitable enterprise. It points you to problem areas you need to investigate, such as rising costs and timely price adjustments.

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Got Goals? Congratulations! 7 Steps to Getting Traction in the Coming Year

February 6, 2024

By Barbara Nuss, CPA
Profit Soup

Congratulations! Your team just completed its first-ever strategic planning day. The creative ideas flowed freely. The team set challenging performance goals, created a plan to address two big structural issues and chose one exciting new opportunity to develop. Everybody exchanged high-fives at the end of the day.

It’s one thing to have a vision and another to create sustained change, especially when we find ourselves back in the familiar fray of life in a closely held business. It’s easy to slip into the old routines and let the tyranny of our urgent day-to-day problems crowd out our important long-term goals. Unless you change things up, before you know it the year will have passed, and your retreat goals will be a distant memory.

Here are 7 steps to build and maintain traction towards your big important goals.

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