America’s SBDC Blog

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Prepare for Profits – 2025, Part 1 Your Cost Structure May Never Be the Same

December 23, 2024

By Barbara Nuss, CPA
Founder, Profit Soup

Many entrepreneurs recall being caught off-guard when pandemic-inspired business interruptions, labor challenges and supply chain disfunction wreaked havoc with cost structures. How could you see that coming? Nobody could. Not the case today. Astute planners contemplating their goals and budgets for 2025 are already factoring in how pending National policies could impact their cost structure.

What Does Your Crystal Ball Say?

A few key uncertainties have me wishing for a crystal ball. One that could see through the post-election politicizing of important topics. I’d know how to predict the cost impacts of changing labor policies, possible tariffs, housing supply and demand, and deportations and immigration’s effect on labor supply. Unfortunately, I do not have such a crystal ball, so I will do the next best thing; guess, and hedge my bets by paying attention and staying nimble.

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From Hotel Employee to CEO: How Topline Revenue Management Grew with SBDC Help

August 27, 2024

Connor Vanderholm began working in the hotel industry as soon as he finished his business degree at BYUI in 2016. His BYUI mentor helped him discover he wanted to be a revenue manager, but he had to start in operations, learning the business basics first.

His first job was working at the front office for the Marriott conference center in Norman, OK. After a year in Oklahoma, he became a revenue management trainee at Hilton in Dallas, TX. Although it was exhausting work, he was prepared to continue until he got laid off at the start of COVID in March 2020. He and several newly-unemployed colleagues started Topline in May 2020.

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