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Questions to Ask Yourself Before Taking On Business Debt

July 12, 2022

By: Matthew Gillman, SMB Compass Founder

Deciding to take on business debt is a difficult and necessary decision that most business owners face at some point. If you’re thinking of applying for business financing, you’re not alone. In fact, in the last 12 months, 45% of small business owners have applied for a business loan.

And, currently many business owners are considering financing options to simply deal with rising costs and inflation. According to the latest Small Business Index report, more than seven out of ten small entrepreneurs said that the rising cost of goods and services due to inflation had taken a toll on their operations within the past 12 months. The new survey revealed that about 50% of small companies have dealt with inflation by getting business financing.

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Business Grants: 9 Places to Find and Get Free Money

May 18, 2022

By: Sharita M. Humphrey

A business grant is a certain amount of money you can obtain to help with your business, similar to a loan with the key difference being that you don’t have to pay anything back. Business grants are hard to obtain since they target specific business types and specific industries like technology and medical industries.

You also need to follow the rules on how to spend the money you obtain which you’ll know when you receive a grant from an organization.

But you shouldn’t get disheartened by these facts, as there are always ways to get a grant for your business. 

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How Your Business Type May Affect Your Loan Application

May 17, 2022

By: Matthew Gillman, SMB Compass Founder

Small business owners don’t always get approved for financing for various reasons. Some companies may have an easier time getting approved than others, even though they all met the minimum loan application requirements.

If you’ve recently been denied a loan, one of the factors affecting your lender’s decision is your business type. This article will explore how this affected your loan application, which types of businesses are risky for lenders, and what you can do to secure funding.

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7 Reasons You May Have Been Denied Business Financing

April 18, 2022

By: Matthew Gillman

Getting your business loan application denied can be discouraging and frustrating, especially if you’ve been looking forward to that additional cash injection. However, if you’ve been in the business long enough, you know that it happens to many small business owners.

Lenders reject loan applications for several reasons, and knowing what those reasons are can do a lot in improving your chance of approval in the future. We’ve outlined seven possible issues that might lead to business financing denial, along with some quick fixes to each problem.


These are the 7 Reasons You May Have Been Denied Business Financing Share on X

1. Poor Credit History

Poor credit scores or lack of credit history are among the most common reasons businesses get rejected for business financing. Credit scores help banks and other lenders determine your creditworthiness – or how likely you (or your business) are to pay them back. Generally, poor credit scores (below 650) raise a red flag to lenders and may result in outright business loan rejection.

A lot of factors come into the determination of your credit score. For instance, a recent bankruptcy could significantly bring your score down. The same goes for late payments and loan defaults. These will give the lenders the impression that you cannot handle your finances properly, which negatively affects your image as a borrower.

If a poor credit score is the main reason your loan application was rejected, here are a few things you can do to fix it.

  • Pay your debt obligations on or before the deadline
  • Work with suppliers or lenders that report to the major credit bureaus
  • Check your credit report regularly and report mistakes to the credit bureau ASAP

Some lenders may also offer financing options to businesses with poor credit scores. The downside is they may charge a higher interest rate to mitigate the risk.

2. Poor Cash Flow

If you’re applying for a loan, it’s also important to consider your business’ cash flow on top of your credit scores. Suppose there are gaps in this area or your company often experiences periods where revenue doesn’t match expenses (and debt repayments). In that case, lenders may reject applications based on that irregularity alone.

Lenders know that many small businesses fail because of poor cash flow management. With that, it’s crucial to monitor your business’ cash inflow and outflow. Make sure that there’s more coming in than out (at least for most of the year). Sometimes, late-paying customers can affect your cash flow, so make sure to adopt a more efficient process of payment collection (e.g., investing in robust accounting software).

3. High (or Too Low) Credit Utilization

Your credit utilization rate simply refers to the percentage of credit you used compared to the credit available to you. With a high credit utilization rate, lenders will assume that there won’t be enough cash to cover the additional financial obligation. On the other hand, too little credit utilization may demonstrate your poor experience in debt management, which also raises a red flag to small business lenders.

Businesses looking to apply for business financing should aim for a credit utilization rate of no more than 30%. That means if you have a credit limit of $100,000, you must keep your credit card balances below $30,000.

If you have a high credit utilization rate, one of the things you can do is pay down some of your existing debts, like credit cards. It’s also important to note that closing credit card accounts can decrease the amount of credit available to you, thus, increasing your credit utilization rate. That said, even if you’ve paid your credit card debt in full, keep the account open as much as possible.

4. Lack of Collateral

Lenders, especially banks, may require small businesses to pledge collateral to guarantee the loan. It could be commercial real estate, equipment, or other valuable business properties. Unfortunately, most small businesses may not have enough assets on their balance sheets to support the application. As a result, they often get turned down for business loans. Even if you have some assets, if the lender doesn’t view it as valuable enough, it will be harder to qualify for a business loan from banks.

If you’re faced with this situation, consider other forms of financing. For instance, invoice financing lets you use your customers’ outstanding invoices to advance capital. Other lenders may also offer unsecured business lines of credit to small business owners that don’t have enough assets. You can utilize these forms of financing until you have enough collateral to secure a more comprehensive business loan.

5. Short Business History

Lenders generally require businesses to have at least two years of business history before approving business loan applications. That is because such companies typically haven’t established enough credit or profitability history, making it harder for lenders to gauge their ability to repay the loan.

Startups commonly get rejected for business financing because of their lack of business history. Fortunately, they have more options now than ever. Alternative lenders may offer startup loans to companies that are less than a year old. The only downside is you might have to pay a higher interest rate. Nevertheless, it’s a viable option to consider if your business needs additional financing but you haven’t been in business long enough to qualify for larger loans.

6. Risky Industry

Traditional lenders may consider some industries riskier than others. For instance, service-based businesses like restaurants and construction are considered high-risk because of seasonality and high failure rates. Gambling or CBD businesses may find it challenging to secure financing from traditional banks considering the ever-changing regulations regarding their operations.

That is not to say that such businesses cannot acquire business financing. If your business is high-risk, you can seek funding from lenders specializing in lending to businesses in your industry. Not only will you increase your chances of approval, but you might even get better financing terms.

7. Lack of Documents

No matter how stellar your credit history or revenue is, you’ll most likely be rejected for business financing if you don’t submit the required documents. These documents serve as proof of your creditworthiness, convincing lenders that your loan application is worth approving. If you lack the necessary documents, lenders will have no way of confirming your credibility.

The next time you apply, be sure to have a checklist of what the lenders need. Aside from the primary documents like business leases, registrations, identification, bank statements, and tax returns, you’ll also need to prepare additional documents like:

  • Credit reports
  • Balance sheets
  • Profit and loss statements
  • Cash flow projections
  • Articles of incorporation
  • Business contracts

If you’re not sure what documents to prepare, it’s best to give the lenders a call and ask them what they usually require.

Bottom Line

Applying for business financing is not for the faint of heart. Rejections can happen, and they can be frustrating. However, by understanding the most common reasons for business financing rejection, you can fix them and improve your chances of approval in the future.

About the Author

Matthew Gillman is a business financing expert with more than a decade of experience in commercial lending. He is the founder and CEO of SMB Compass, a specialty finance company providing education and financing options for business owners.

Checklist on Better Understanding Your Business Credit Reports

March 14, 2022

Author: Sharita M. Humphrey

A company’s capacity to buy something now and pay for it later is referred to as business credit. You may make it easier to borrow money when your firm needs it by obtaining a solid business credit report. It is a document that contains a picture of a company’s financial credit health.


It will include.

  • Company’s financial background
  • Payment history on tradelines
  • Current credit inquiry history
  • Any legal filings, such as judgments, collections, and bankruptcies

While each credit bureau’s report will differ slightly in appearance, they will all contain the same information. As you proceed through the process of securing a small business loan, it’s a good idea to buy a credit report and understand it. Any business credit report you buy should include the following items.

  1. Financial History Section

The Financial History Section is composed of commercial banking, insurance, and leasing data. Your payment history with creditors, lenders, and insurance are shown in this section.

It displays information such as:

  • The date the tradeline was opened
  • The terms
  • The original and current balances
  • Any account delinquencies
  • Business loans
  • Insurance policies
  • Lines of credit
  • Equipment leases
  1. Collections Filings Section

Any legal filings, bankruptcies, or collection reports that your company has filed are in this area. Tax liens, judgments, and accounts that have been in collections for 90 days will be included here.

It includes details such as:

  • Open and Close dates of your collection filings
  • Agencies and their contact details
  • The status of your collection
  • Amount disputed
  • Amount collected

Lenders are less likely to give loans to you if you have a lot of court filings on your background.

  1. Tradeline Experiences Section

The Tradeline Experience Section shows the tradeline payment history of your business. Displayed in the tradeline payment history section is your company’s payment history over the last three years. Payments to vendors are frequently included in this section.

In addition, here are some details included in this section:

  • The time your business was first initially reported to the credit bureau
  • Payment terms
  • Recent high credit line
  • Maximum credit line
  • Monthly payment, whether it’s current or past due

It will also tell you how many times you’ve passed due on a tradeline for 30 days or more.

  1. Business Profile Section

The business profile or company information section is the first thing that appears on a small business credit report. The legal name, address, and data about the company’s incorporation are shown in this section.

It also includes other business data such as:

  • Ownership subsidiary information
  • The number of employees
  • Type of business
  • Years in business
  • SIC code (Standard Industrial Classification)
  • NAISC code (North American Industry Classification System)
  1. Business Credit Score Section

A credit score will be included in a company credit report, just as it is in a personal credit report. Each credit reporting bureau has its own credit scoring range. They should all produce an easily understandable number.

A business credit report states some business information such as:

  • Your company’s degree of credit risk
  • The reasons that went into calculating your credit score
  • A prognosis of your company’s future credit risk based on your report

Credit reports and scores for businesses are indicators of a company’s financial soundness. Business owners’ primary goal should be to develop a track record of regular payments on all their financial obligations. It is a must to build a strong business credit report and score.

Here are some common factors that could affect your business credit score:

  • How much credit do you have
  • How long you’ve had credit
  • How many late dues do you have on your credit report

You can try to buy a business credit report to help you maintain track of your company’s credit health. It is regardless of which credit reporting agency you choose.

Business Credit Reporting Agencies

There are many business credit reporting agencies you can trust. In most cases, all company credit reports contain the same information. They have common key data components even when they have a unique process for validating and collecting data.

The following are some of the most well-known business credit reporting organizations.

Dun & Bradstreet

It is the credit report that is most widely used. D&B assigns credit ratings to businesses based on many indices that represent their current and future financial risk.


To calculate its score, it gathers business data, payment and collection history, and financial data. The Credit Ranking Intelliscore from Experian goes from 1 to 100, with 100 being the highest attainable score.


It is most commonly used for SBA (Small Business Administration) financing. To generate a credit score, it gathers information from all three credit bureaus.


The more efforts you take to establish business credit, the more financial prospects your company will have. Banks, lenders, and suppliers use business credit reports to determine a company’s creditworthiness. So, make every effort to control your debt and keep on top of payments.

You can start to make paying bills on time a priority. Resort to make a budget, cut back on certain purchases, or set up payment reminders. Any late dues will have a negative impact on your company’s score. And it will make it harder to attract lenders, partners, or investors in the future.

Don’t hesitate to seek professional help from a financial counselor. It helps in times when your company does find itself in debt.

About the Author: Sharita M. Humphrey is an award-winning finance expert, money mentor and Certified Financial Education Instructor. Once broke and homeless, Sharita completely transformed her life and is now a successful entrepreneur and one of the most in-demand money coaches for individuals and business owners of color. In 2020, Sharita was named National Financial Educator of the Year.