America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Expanding Into New Territory

September 1, 2016
Success Story: Florida

VideoSBDC: Florida SBDC at the University of South Florida
SBDC Consultant: Karen Krymski; SBDC Director: Eileen Rodriguez
Client: Sheri Dougherty, CEO, DAI Solutions of Sarasota County, Longboat Key, Florida
Client since November, 2015 in Florida; and 20 years ago with the SBDC in Alexandria, Virginia
Achievement: Business Expansion

Sheri Dougherty had worked as a federal contractor in the DC metro area for several years. After working for multiple companies, the thought of opening her own firm crossed her mind.

“Being the person who actually found the deals, wrote the proposals, and won the deal, it was difficult to sit back and watch the deal crumble in the hands of colleagues,” Dougherty said. “So I said, ‘If I am doing this for someone else, I might as well do this for myself.’”

Dougherty started her federal contracting business 20 years ago in the DC metro area, and a year ago she expanded to the Sarasota, Tampa, and Orlando areas. DAI Solutions offers businesses the ability to take their product or service to the federal government. They provide an array of services, from marketing to General Service Administration (GSA) schedule proposal development to simply staying up on federal laws.  (more…)

32 iPhone Apps to Run Your Small Business

August 29, 2016
By Peter Somerville
Director of Investor Relations at

The pace of small business has never been more relentless. The good news is that you have a whole toolbox in your pocket: your iPhone. Here are 32 apps I use every week in my work at StreetShares.


Mail and Calendar

Gmail – If you’re a power Gmail user, this is the way to go.
Outlook – Surprisingly useful, this app may be the best thing to come out of Redmond in 20 years.
Google Calendar – Use the “schedule” view to see your day at a glance.
Week Cal – Full of features, sometimes at the expense of an elegant layout.



Asking For Help Is Good For You and Your Business

August 22, 2016
By Karen Peacock
Running a Small BusinessSVP and Small Business Segment Leader at Intuit

Running a small business can be lonely. There will be times when you don’t know who to turn to with your questions, and your support system can feel as small as your shop.

My advice: Ask others for help, and broaden your network to get it.

Seeking counsel — from mentors, peers, even your suppliers and vendors — is simply another way of taking charge of your business. Rather than being thought of as a weakness, reaching out can help your chances for success. I always say, “If you don’t ask, you won’t get.” One Intuit study found that 41 percent of small business owners feel lonely in their work life. That same survey found that 70 percent of small business owners say networking with other business owners is important.

In my experience, while it may seem daunting, pushing through your comfort zone can pay big rewards.

Connecting can energize you

Even beyond your immediate need to solve a particular problem, listening to how others approach their business or even their lives can flick on a switch in your own thinking. That can lead to a breakthrough insight into something you weren’t even considering.  (more…)

Plan Your Business Website in 3 Easy Steps

August 15, 2016
By Adam Wozney | @AdamDeanWozney

SBDC Top of Post50 percent of small businesses do not have a website according to a recent blog post by What does this mean to you as a small business owner? It means that having an online presence for your business will give you a competitive edge. New technologies available to you like those offered by Wix make it easier than ever to have a professional looking website for little to no cost.

But where to start? Wix hosts over 88 million websites. With this enormous pool of user data and over ten years of website design expertise under our belts, we know what goes into building a stunning website.

Below are some steps on how to get started building your business’s first website.

Step 1 - Define Your Website GoalStep #1 Define your Website’s Goal

What is the point of your website? Set an objective. Defining your website’s goal will help guide you through the creation process. In our experience, the best websites have a single goal. Is the goal of your site to sell a product or service? Get more newsletter subscribers? Increase social media followers? Your goal is the core of your website. By identifying the goal from the beginning, you will be able to easily navigate the development process of your site.  (more…)

#SmallBizGames: 10 Digital Marketing Challenges for Your Business

August 8, 2016

As the world gets into the competitive spirit this August, Google is challenging small business owners to brush up on their digital marketing skills. For the next two weeks, the Google Small Business team is unveiling a #SmallBizGames digital marketing challenge each day, with each designed to help small businesses get online and ready for the upcoming holiday season.

Small-Biz-Games-LaunchTo further help small business owners, Google Small Business Advisors are standing by as #SmallBizGames coaches, ready and willing to provide tips, support, and advice for each challenge.

Starting Line Challenge: Get a custom domain name for your business.
Services like Google Domains help you register a custom URL for your business quickly and easily.

Ready-Set-Go Challenge: Make sure your business can be found on Google.
Set up a Google My Business account and update your business info including summer hours, photos, and business location.  (more…)