America’s SBDC Blog

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4 reasons why canceling restaurant insurance is a big mistake

April 28, 2020
By Insureon Staff –

If you’ve had to temporarily close your restaurant during the COVID-19 pandemic, you might be tempted to cancel your insurance to save money. This could cost you more in the long run – and expose you to risk.

The coronavirus pandemic is devastating to restaurant and bar owners across the country. While some food and beverage businesses are offering curbside takeout and delivery to offset losses during the temporary shutdown, the financial toll is staggering.

As you explore every avenue to cut costs, you may wonder if canceling one or more of your restaurant’s insurance policies could help. The money you may save now could cost you more down the road.

Before canceling anything, consider these drawbacks. (more…)

Avoid Distractions and Stay Motivated When Working from Home

April 23, 2020
By Meredith Wood, Fundera

Working from home can be great and offers many benefits, but it can also be full of distractions — from children or pets playing in the house to the desire to clean or fold your laundry. Given the current coronavirus pandemic, many businesses across the globe, both big and small, have opted for leadership and employees to work from home.

While we don’t know exactly how long social distancing will last within the workplace, this may mean being your own boss or teammate for the foreseeable future. This isn’t always easy, and it’s truly an art-form which requires a good measure of self-discipline and self-accountability.

Transitioning from a structured day in the office to working from home is a challenge. Oftentimes the biggest struggle is keeping your work life and home life separate by eliminating distractions.

We’ve outlined five common distractions that people face when they’re working alone and from home, along with simple tips to keep yourself motivated as we adapt to this new normal. (more…)

Window shopping and small business success!

April 21, 2020
Success Story: Wisconsin –

Equinox Botanical BoutiqueTo be a small business in this time of Covid-19 is unprecedented, not to mention stressful, emotional, scary and anxiety provoking. So what can you do to make lemonade out of lemons? Small business owner Maria Caravati of Equinox Botanical Boutique in downtown Kenosha, Wisconsin is promoting WINDOW SHOPPING!

Community needs now

Maria opened Equinox Botanical Boutique in June of 2019. Before that, her business was also called Equinox but specialized in massage, facials and products. It was a wellness boutique which she operated for 18 years. But over the years she became well versed in plants for food, medicine, wellness and beauty. Maria decided that what her community needed now was basic skills in planting and preparing food from self-sustained back yard gardens. She closed for a month and completely changed her business model.

And then the virus came… and in her own words… she started freaking out! After a phone call to her SBDC consultant, Mary Fischer-Tracy of the UW Parkside SBDC in Kenosha, and a talk about staying calm and utilizing government funding, Maria decided that she had to get back to doing what made her happy and hopeful. She started planting and sharing her plants on social media. Pretty soon, her clients were asking how they could get plants even though she was closed. Maria had an idea! (more…)

COVID-19 and cleaning businesses: How to keep your business safe from risks

April 16, 2020
By Insureon Staff –

Cleaning businesses are at the front lines battling against the spread of COVID-19. Take these steps to keep your employees, your customers, and your business healthy.

While the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is hurting businesses across many industries, cleaning and janitorial businesses have seen a sharp increase in demand.

Cleaning service requests are pouring in as businesses and households try to prevent further infection. The online jobs platform ZipRecruiter reports that March 2020 demand for cleaners is up 75% from a year ago.

As cleaning businesses hustle to meet the changing needs of new and current customers, they must also prepare for possible financial and physical risks.

Follow these practical steps to avoid potential pitfalls if you take on the coronavirus. (more…)

Answers to your coronavirus (COVID-19) business insurance coverage questions

April 2, 2020
By Insureon Staff –

The coronavirus outbreak has left many small businesses owners wondering if their insurance covers losses caused by the pandemic. Insureon experts answer the most frequently asked questions.

Insureon is as committed as ever to working with your business during these tough times. We’re continuing to deliver services, products, and support no matter where you – or we – may be working.

Our team is closely monitoring the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) to ensure we have the latest facts and coverage information. We’re dedicated to minimizing any disruptions to you while ensuring the safety of our employees.

Insureon knows you have many coronavirus business insurance coverage questions, and we’ll continually update this webpage with the new developments. Insureon customers with an existing policy should contact their insurance carriers directly to verify coverage and exclusions. (more…)