America’s SBDC Blog

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Get Customers Ready for the Holidays with Social Media and Email Marketing

November 30, 2012

Can you believe the holidays are upon us already?

With the busiest shopping days (and therefore busiest days for marketers) quickly approaching, you’ll want to make sure you can maximize the impact of your efforts. In particular, you’ll want your email and social media content is share worthy. This way your current audience will help you spread the word about your business to their friends, who make great prospects for shopping with you this holiday season.

So, how do you create share-worthy content? Here are 3 ideas:

1. Pay attention to what your fans, followers, and readers really want

If you want your business to be part of your customers’ holiday plans this season, you’re going to need to deliver content they actually care about. This is especially important during the holidays when your customers are not only busy, but are also being bombarded by content from a number of other businesses fighting for their attention. (more…)

Duty Tariffs – Computing Duties and Taxes

November 28, 2012

A look at computing duties and taxes for your product in the many country markets where you will be selling.

The Census Bureau serves as the leading source of quality data about the nation’s people and economy. We honor privacy, protect confidentiality, share our expertise globally, and conduct our work openly. We are guided on this mission by our strong and capable workforce, our readiness to innovate, and our abiding commitment to our customers.

Is Revenue-Based Financing Right For Your Business?

November 26, 2012

The lending environment continues to be tight with banks holding potential borrowers to strict standard. As a result, businesses have begun to explore new ways of obtaining financing. One such method is called revenue-based financing (RBF). Is this type of financing right for your business?

How does it work?

The lender issues a loan and the interest payment is based on the company’s revenue over a specified length of time. For instance, the small business would pay the lender 2-5% of revenues each month. If revenues drop from $30,000 to $20,000, the borrower owes $400 as opposed to $600 in the prior month, which is based on a 2% interest rate. Therefore, it is conceivable for the company to pay no interest at all if the revenues went to zero for one month. (more…)

3 Places to Find Inspiration for Content

November 21, 2012

You’re sitting in front of your computer, hands ready to go on the keyboard, and then you freeze. You know you need to write something engaging, whether it’s for your website, your blog, or a Facebook post, but you have absolutely no idea where to begin.

It’s okay. We’ve all been there.

So where can you go for inspiration when you are stuck? Here are 3 ideas:

1. Look to others in your industry

One of the best ways to find inspiration is to look at what others in your industry are talking about. Can you offer a different viewpoint or advice on a topic? (more…)

Free Market Research For Any Business

November 19, 2012

Insights for Search, one of my favorite free market research tools just got a major revamp and is now part of Google Trends so let’s take a look at how a business can use it to make better decisions.

The premise of the tool is that it can help answer important questions about your business using all the searches that people do on Google. For example, by counting how many people in different cities are searching for words related to the flu, like ‘couching’, ‘headaches’ and ‘fever’, Google is able to build a map of regions where there are outbreaks of the flu.

For your business, it can help answer important questions about seasonality, regional preferences and rising trends. (more…)