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5 Social Media Tips for B2B Businesses that Cost Nothing

October 13, 2021
By Autumn Sullivan, Mobilization Funding – 

Social Media logosNew business owners are all in the business of spreading awareness and attracting new customers. Yet many B2B business owners skip social media in favor of outbound email campaigns and traditional advertising. The reasons for opting out of social are usually something like, “Our customers aren’t on social media or don’t care about it.” Yes, they are and yes, they do. Almost the entire planet (3.6 billion people) is on at least one social media platform, and they spend a LOT of time there (145 minutes per day).

Re-think social media as part of your B2B marketing strategy! Social media marketing is an easy and cost-effective way to get in front of your customers and build lasting relationships that translate into real revenue for your company. And the best part is that many of these tips don’t require any budget at all. Here are five of our favorite social media marketing tips for new B2B business owners that won’t cost you a dime to implement. (more…)