America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Humane Communications for Small Businesses During a Crisis

February 23, 2021
By Jessica Larson,

All the way back in early April — nearly a lifetime ago — the first coronavirus infections were followed by a wave of ads created in response to the crisis. Those early ads showed us what to do and what not to do, and as a result, you’ve got plenty of material to guide you in marketing your business during the pandemic.

Here are several ways to stay in the conversation — and stay compassionate and mindful while doing so.

Be Helpful, Not Promotive

Some early surveys revealed how consumers felt about ads during the pandemic. A Kantar survey found that 75% of customers didn’t want the crisis exploited, while 8% wanted companies to stop ads altogether. The message is clear: Customers don’t want businesses to use the pandemic as an excuse to showcase their brand. On the other hand, a business that has something useful to say will find a ready ear. Share on X

If you tell your audience how your company is adapting to support the community, you’ll be far better off than a company that relies on logos and empty slogans. (more…)