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Avoid Distractions and Stay Motivated When Working from Home

April 23, 2020
By Meredith Wood, Fundera

Working from home can be great and offers many benefits, but it can also be full of distractions — from children or pets playing in the house to the desire to clean or fold your laundry. Given the current coronavirus pandemic, many businesses across the globe, both big and small, have opted for leadership and employees to work from home.

While we don’t know exactly how long social distancing will last within the workplace, this may mean being your own boss or teammate for the foreseeable future. This isn’t always easy, and it’s truly an art-form which requires a good measure of self-discipline and self-accountability.

Transitioning from a structured day in the office to working from home is a challenge. Oftentimes the biggest struggle is keeping your work life and home life separate by eliminating distractions.

We’ve outlined five common distractions that people face when they’re working alone and from home, along with simple tips to keep yourself motivated as we adapt to this new normal. (more…)