3 Days to the Congressional Showcase!
State: Michigan
SBDC: Michigan SBDC Technology Commercialization Team
SBDC Advisors: Kayo Ramirez, Sandra Cochrane, Alain Peitte, Anna Bier, Tamara Davis, John Schmitt, Bob Honeyman, Dave Grossman, John Balbach, Jason Pliml, Tom Kelly
SBDC Client: Micro-LAM Technologies
Manufactured in Michigan, Micro-LAM Technologies offers cutting edge technology that increases productivity and profitability for companies that make precision optical components such as lenses, telescopic mirrors, infrared imaging systems, laser components and smart gadget hardware. Micro-LAM’s product increases productivity by up to 500%, increases machine efficiency by up to 200%, improves part quality by an order of magnitude, and has an 8 to 10-month payback, making it a game changer in the precision manufacturing industry. Within a year of hitting the markets, Micro-LAM has sold systems in the US, Israel, the United Kingdom, Spain and Sweden.
“The Michigan SBDC has been a major contributor to Micro-LAM’s growth. Being a startup CEO is challenging, especially when coming from an engineering background. Thanks to the solid Michigan SBDC team I have worked with over recent years, I have learned vital skills that enable me to lead my business towards success. The Michigan SBDC has provided strategic planning guidance, secondary market research, SBIR Phase I and Phase II proposal review, coaching for pitch competitions, and many other business consulting services.” — Deepak Ravindra, Ph.D., CEO, Micro-LAM Technologies
Read more about Micro-LAM Technologies here.
The America’s SBDC 2017 Client Showcase Reception will be at 5:30 pm on Monday, February 6, 2017, at the Rayburn House Office Building. Invite your Members of Congress now!
For more information about America’s SBDC or to find an SBDC near you, go to www.AmericasSBDC.org.