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Yes, There Is Life After Corporate Downsizing

July 29, 2015

life-after-corporate-downsizinglCorporate executives create new lives for themselves with franchise ownership after layoffs and business closures.

It’s not a pleasant position to be in, especially for a six-figure-generating corporate executive – unexpected layoffs and downsizing. According to ExecuNet (a networking group for outplaced Executives in the $100K+ salary bracket), corporate executives can expect to be in the same job for only 2.7 years, and with the same company for only 3.3 years.

That means mid-level and executive-level managers are looking for new jobs every couple of years. It’s an employment cycle that puts a lot of stress on finances and family.

But many former corporate executives are now choosing another option after facing numerous corporate layoffs and reorganizations: business ownership.  (more…)