America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

Common Call-To-Action Mistakes to Avoid Over the Holidays

November 8, 2013

When you market your organization through email or social media, the goal is to get your audience to take an action — purchase something, register for an event, read something, engage with your content, or form an opinion of you. But if you make it difficult for your readers or followers to find your call to action, they might not follow through.

With the busy holiday season right around the corner, you’ll want to avoid these common call-to-action mistakes to ensure the success of your holiday promotions:

Don’t: Bury your call to action

Don’t make your audience scroll through a long, wordy email to get to the call to action. Keep it short and sweet. Focus on one call to action in your message so that your audience knows exactly what you want them to do next. If you give customers the right information and resources from the beginning, they’ll be armed with the knowledge and tools necessary to take the next step. (more…)