America’s SBDC Blog

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3 Simple Steps To Close The Sale

October 7, 2013

A year ago I made the decision that I wanted — no, I needed — new carpet in my home. Believe me, it was time. So that very day I started the process. I found a few hours in my insanely busy schedule and got to work shopping for carpet. I started online, but that was just too hard. There was no way to see and feel the carpet or really ask questions. So I headed to the carpet stores; two I had chosen through my online shopping. Now, let me reiterate: I was ready, more than ready, to buy carpet. In my mind the deal was done, the sale was closed, and the price was really not, or at least not the major issue.

I visited both stores. Both had a great selection, knowledgeable sales people, and a variety of carpet styles, colors etc., from which to choose. So much so that I left a little overwhelmed. Both shops and their sales people were very helpful. They encouraged me to take a few samples home, test them out, see what I like, and then give them a call back.

Well, can you guess what happened next? See, like you, I am busy as heck.  Once I got home and put the carpet samples in the rooms, my busy life again took over. For the next six months, those carpet samples lay on the floor in the three rooms in which I wanted carpet. Every week or so, I would make a plan to head back to the store, give a call or something, but I never did; my life just got in the way. Again, I was ready to buy. The nice people from both carpet stores would call me and follow up, and ask if I was ready to buy. I would assure them that as soon as I had time I would head on over. Even with all that encouragement and support, I just never made it back to buy carpet, and they never closed the sale. (more…)