America’s SBDC Blog

A “Forbes 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs”

6 Simple Tips for Great Content Marketing

February 5, 2013

Content is currency on the Internet. It’s what people consume, share, and it’s what can help get your small business found. It doesn’t have to be difficult to shape content that is simply irresistible for your audience. Here are a few tips to keep top of mind as you consider what content to develop.

1. Write about topics people want to read

Your content should always have an audience in mind. That means you should have their needs in mind, too, not your own. Content marketing should provide something valuable. People want to read something that’s written about the things they’re thinking about (related to your business, of course) so ask yourself what concerns and delights your audience, then go from there.

2. Show people how to do things

Google’s Keyword Tool estimates that, each month, the phrase “how to” is searched 414,000,000 times and the phrase “how to videos” is searched 618,000,000 times. It’s clear that people are interested in learning “how to.” Create your own “How to” posts that discuss the things your organization offers, as well as anything else that your audience is interested in that can be related to what you offer. (more…)